Saturday, 13 December 2014

Caroline Glick: "A Singular Standard For Israel ... An Obsessive Compulsive Need To Pick At The Jewish State" (video)

A furious Caroline Glick, in a heartfelt riposte to a Danish diplomat, condemns "an obsession that Jews have seen from Europeans from the time of Jesus":

And a repulsive article here by Ghada Karmi, one of Israel's academic enemies in the UK: note the heavy duty antisemitic comments it's attracted.

The same can be stated, sadly, of this jejune contribution.

Meanwhile, in Gaza, the occasional toddler with a gun joins in the 27th anniversary celebrations of the founding of that ultimate hate group, Hamas:


  1. Watchya know? Brilliant minds think alike! I, too, front paged Caroline today and after doing so thought to myself, "Y'know, you need to drop by Daphne's joint, because it's been awhile."

    Hang tough, my sister, you are doing good work.


    1. Thanks, Mike. Caroline sounds so emotional - really speaking from the heart.

  2. Hey, me too !

    I'm curious about the response


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