Monday, 29 December 2014

"A Revolting Relapse Of This Ancient Evil": Britain Foreshadows New Measures To Combat Antisemitism

An obscenity in north London
Reports the London Daily Express inter alia:
'.... Communities Secretary Eric Pickles today, warns that the “dark forces” of anti-Semitism have returned following an upsurge of anti-Semitic attacks this year.
In July and August there were 543 incidents, more than the entire previous year, prompting an urgent rethink into how to tackle what Mr Pickles describes as an “ancient evil”....
Mr Pickles says that new measures to stamp out anti-Semitism on university campuses will be introduced and pledged that all schoolchildren will be taught about the holocaust.
He also vows to kick anti-Semitism out of football, insisting work is already underway to achieve this, and warns that supermarkets and local councils will be hauled over the coals for “irresponsible” behaviour....
See also
 ... Mr Pickles said a sharp increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the Summer meant there was a need for increased vigilance.
He also said the public need to be reassured that those who commit hate crimes will be punished with the full force of the law.
 “The irrational hatred of Jews is like cancer,” he writes.
“Once beaten it can come back. It lurks in the shadows, and in 2014 there has been a revolting relapse of this ancient evil.
Sadly Britain has not been immune. We share this shame.
Institutions that should have stood up to this thuggish behaviour did not. Like the Holborn branch of Sainsbury’s, clearing their shelves of kosher food to satisfy anti-Israeli yobs outside. This casual acceptance of anti-Semitism was outrageous.”
Double trouble:
He adds:
 “Even some councils have behaved irresponsibly. Like Tower Hamlets, engaging in their own municipal foreign policy by flying the Palestinian flag. These public bodies should be using their position of authority to actively reduce tensions, not stir them up. “
Mr Pickles added:
 “Anti-Semitism and hate crime are completely incompatible with traditional British values and totally unacceptable in our society.” ...'
Read more here


  1. Does anyone seriously believe that anyone will legally or officially do anything BEFORE a pogrom results? Because if the last 1600 years of European history of Jew Hatred is any reference standard, the answer to that is no. Appealing to an indifferent and occasionally one supportive of pogroms has never worked.

  2. Meanwhile, the Wiesenthal Center's 2014 Hall of Shame:


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