Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Hardly A Diamond Geezer, Sean!

Spare, nimble, and loquacious, Sean Clinton is an Irish anti-Israel activist who spends a great deal of time and energy campaigning about what he insists are Israeli "blood" diamonds.

He turns up not infrequently in videos of anti-Israel demonstrations in Dublin and elsewhere, some of which have appeared on this blog from time to time.  (This one's my favourite)

I imagine that the volubly anti-Israel Mr Clinton would protest at any suggestion that he's antisemitic.  But, I'm afraid, he's one of the anti-Israel crowd on Facebook whose name appears in connection with the promotion on Facebook of a rather squalid video film that indulges in antisemitic tropes it even has a Rothschild giving a (manufactured-for-video) cackle of demonic laughter at the end, as he contemplates the (alleged) world power and influence his mega-riches have (supposedly) bought him.

This rich-Jews-rule-the-world-and-decide-its-destiny genre video is hardly something for which the "It's not antisemitic to be anti-Zionist" crowd should be expressing a liking or to which such individuals should be linking. I'm not sure what precisely Mr Clinton's part on Facebook has been, but it would appear from this that he has had some hand in aiding its promotion on the social media site.  I hope that's not the case.

Rubina Khan's Facebook page is a slough of antisemitism and conspiracy theories.

Nor should this piece of racism, found on the Facebook page of Stephen Sizer's mate Tony Gratrex, of Reading Palestine Solidarity Campaign infamy, merit endorsement (hat tip: reader P):

Time high time to review that Facebook wall of yours, Tony Gratrex, and delete the antisemitism that's  posted there.  Oh, and "unlike" stuff while you're at it, dude. (See also my post here)

And, as I've repeatedly noted, the time's long long overdue for you. Reverend Sizer, to make a cull of some of your Facebook "Friends"

The reason's not far to seek.

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