Sunday, 23 November 2014

An eloquent answer to BDS ratbags in London's Bond Street (video)

This video, uploaded by inveterate Israel-hater Alex Seymour (aka Seymour Alexander) is described by him thus:
"Saturday's protest in Bond Street against De Beers (and briefly afterwards, Leviev) for their complicity in Israel's war crimes and crimes against humanity. No diamonds in the world could be bloodier than Israel's; not a day goes past without news of another child murdered by the cowardly killers known as the IDF; there are plenty other and more accurate names one could call those loathsome Zionist terrorists who think a kipa on their head somehow gives them licence to behave like the German National Socialists they talk so much about."

The video is notable for the wide berth passing pedestrians give to the little gaggle of groupies holding banners and handing out leaflets defaming Israel while vile invective against Israel is screamed by a woman with a theatrical voice (we've seen this thespian manqué before, in similar scenes, along with her grey-haired offsider who boards Tube trains to recite anti-Israel "poetry" to commuters).

Do these protesters have a permit to stand outside a shop and assail shoppers' eardrums, I wonder?

The video's uploader might as well have entitled it "Watch London Pedestrians Stroll On By".

There is however, one pedestrian who demonstrates his contempt for the anti-Israel ratbags with more than a dirty look or a sudden swerve: watch what he does at about 4:29 ...

An eloquent and fitting response, sir.  One worth the risk of a municipal fine.

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