Friday, 3 October 2014

"The People Of The Gaza Strip Enjoy More Rights Under Israeli Rule Than the Sunnis Of Balochistan Under The Filthy Iranian Rulers": Islamic Preacher (video)

Here's a fire and brimstone sermon delivered a week ago at the Al-Bayan Mosque in Baqa-Jatt, Israel, by Sheikh Ahmad Badran, who in the midst of his tirade against the "accursed infidel coalition under the command of America" and "the infidels throughout the world" says a couple of begrudgingly nice-ish things about about Jews and Israel.

Don't get too excited by such semi-compliments, though, as he proceeds to declare that "The Islam of the next generation ... will rule the entire world".


  1. OT
    You'll enjoy this
    Time for Church of England to Bring an End to Vicar’s Jew-Baiting
    Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer, an Anglican vicar who serves a church in Surrey, England, has a long and storied history of Jew-baiting.
    He’s good at it, really good at it.
    He has been antagonizing Jews and saying hateful things about Israel for years. He works a lot of his mischief on his blog and Facebook page, where he has posted links to articles that downplay or minimize the Holocaust, and accuse Jews of controlling the world and of being responsible for starting World War I and World War II.

    1. Thanks, Ian. Have blogged about it, hat tipping you.

  2. They don't care about rights and freedom, they care about genocide. They'd rather be murderous slaves.

  3. Hello Daphne,

    Just alerting you there is an "event" in November, a Run for Palestine around the Tan in Melb.
    Always good to raise money for Hamas, eh? It's "run" by the Australians for Palestine.
    It's happened before and is


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