Wednesday, 1 October 2014

The Antisemitic Likes Of A Palestine Solidarity Campaign Organiser: Sarah Colborne, does the PSC approve?

Tony Gratrex, an anti-Israel activist in the UK, has long been associated with the Reading branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (unambiguous Israel-delegitimising logo at left).  It's a branch that, despite the apparent disapproval by the PSC top brass of branches linking on their websites to articles in the Redress online rag, since Redress is blatantly antisemitic, does so.

This is how a post on the well-known blog Harry's Place referred, inter alia,  to Gratrex in 2011:

'Gratrex is an organiser for the Reading Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Reading PSC keeps tabs on the Viva Palestina convoys, and is very supportive of their work.
Gratrex has also been a guest speaker at Oxford PSC, attended a branch meeting at Bristol PSC, and was affiliated with the Bristol Convoy of Viva Palestina....
Here is what Gratrex thinks about “the Jews”, in a comment addressed to Jenny Tonge:
 I admire the work you do and am in agreement with virtually everything you say except for your attitude regarding the media.
You state that the jews do not control the media but that it is under self censorship.
This is patently wrong and only a cursory glance using the internet will show that a majority of the media is jewish owned or controlled.
During the interview you use the expression “who pays the piper calls the tune” and that is precisely the problem when one considers who controls the international banking system.
So Jews control the media, global financing, and the world.
Gratrex left the comment on the blog of Alan Hart, a 9-11 truther.
Here’s Gratrex on reading about the Holocaust in an article about an Israeli spy in Germany:
With the mention of the holocaust in this article I can only think again of Norman Finkelsteins book; The Holocaust Industry (Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering). How much longer is Israel going to continue to blackmail the world? 
So Israel = Europe’s Jews. The surviving Jews are blackmailing the world....'
A subsequent post on Harry's Place that same year noted:
'Here’s another comment, not in the original report, that Gratrex left on an overtly anti-Semitic blog:
 Not all adherents to the Torah are enemies of humanity.
    You are forgetting the Neturei Karta Jews
Aside from the obvious anti-Semitism of calling all but a tiny handful of Jews “enemies of humanity”, one wonders what attracted Mr Gratrex to this particular blog… '
 Gratrex's eyebrow-raising record has been mentioned on my blog before; most recently here

His Facebook page over the past few days includes a number of items that give the lie to the notion that the Palestine Solidarity Campaign has no truck with antisemitism.

Here are a trio of examples that should make the PSC ashamed, and which should have at least one of Gratrex's Facebook buddies, the Rev. Stephen Sizer, pushing the de-friend button.

Do we assume that the Palestine Solidarity Campaign approves Gratrex's flirtations with this crude antisemitism?

Perhaps  PSC director Sarah Colborne can enlighten us.

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