Wednesday, 8 October 2014

"An Important Day For Justice At The United Nations" (video)

Well, it's not often we can say that when Israel's in the dock at that hijacked forum, eh?

Here's the splendid Hillel Neuer of UNWatch on 23 September regarding Western nations' response to the latest ganging up against Israel by such paragons of Human Rights legislation and practice as Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on the subject of, er, supposed human rights violations by the Zionist Entity:

 'Today is an important day for justice at the United Nations.
In free and democratic societies governed by the rule of law and the principle of constitutionalism, right is preserved by an independent judiciary empowered to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.
Here at the United Nations, the system works differently. Here, the majority faction has the power to decide whatever it wants. There are no limits. The minority faction has no judicial recourse, no right of appeal, no remedy.
Now, today we meet under Agenda Item 7, which singles out one nation, Israel, for differential and discriminatory treatment....
We see the European Union did not take the floor in this debate. The United States did not take the floor. Nor did Canada, Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, and many other liberal democracies.
Today we heard loudest from deeds, not words. The free and democratic world ... have spoken for justice.'

Read more here

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