Monday, 6 October 2014

A Blistering Rebuke To The Blistered(?) BDSer

Remember my post about the Wollongong University BDSer, Argentinean-born Israeli Marcelo Svirsky, and his squalid little BDS stunt, walking from Sydney to Canberra to present a petition to the House of Representatives?

Bravo to a prominent member of that House, Labor MP Michael Danby, always stalwart in support of Israel, for his forceful condemnation of Svirsky's action:
“.... BDS founder Omar Barghouti has made it clear that the aim of the Boycott movement is the elimination of the State of Israel. I doubt Mr Svirsky understands the essence of the Boycott moment expressed by fellow BDS supporters such as As’ad AbuKhalil, Professor of Political Science at California State University: ‘the real aim of BDS is to bring down the state of Israel….That should be stated as an unambiguous goal. There should not be any equivocation on the subject. Justice and freedom for the Palestinians are incompatible with the existence of the state of Israel.”
Marrickville (in Sydney) Israel-haters, 2011
Clearly, Mr Svirsky has little understanding of Australian politics as Mr Barghouti’s BDS campaign has been widely opposed by both major political parties. Even the Greens political party has disavowed the BDS following their ignominious debacle in the Marrickville state seat where a Greens Party candidate failed miserably when she supported the BDS campaign. Senator Lee Rhiannon seems to be the only federal parliamentarian left supporting the dangerous movement.
Mr Svirsky’s actions undermine his family in Israel. I wonder how he justifies BDS founder Omar Barghouti’s claims on 14 December last year, in the US magazine The Nation. Omar Barghouti distilled the essence of the hard-line Boycott movement: ‘Going back to a two-state solution, beside having passed its expiry date, it was never a moral solution to start with.’ In the same article, he said, ‘Good riddance. The two-state solution for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is finally dead. But someone has to issue an official death certificate before the rotting corpse is given a proper burial and we can move onto a unitary state where, by definition, Jews will be a minority.’
This poor deluded Wollongong academic is not walking to a welcome in Canberra, he is walking political oblivion.”'
As a well-known pro-Israel academic, Professor Douglas Kirsner, has commented on J-Wire:
"Michael Danby is right: BDS is immoral, counterproductive and destructive. It is singling out Israel for very special treatment in the Middle East area–Iran is close to getting nuclear capability to wipe Israel off the map; over 200,000 people have been killed in Syria recently with 3 million refugees. And a broad coalition including Arab nations are bombing IS who have issued fatwas to kill anybody they feel like with Allah’s blessing. I imagine Dr Svirsky and his co-walkers are equally supportive of the Greens political party’s policies on these issues though I would be rather surprised to see them walking against Iran, IS, Syria, etc.

I hope Dr Swirsky is not right that the Greens will ultimately single out Israel again for boycott. They would demonise gay friendly, democratic Israel where women are equal while at the same time they rail against real action against movements and countries that oppress women and gays and violate fundamental human rights. And in the case of IS involve themselves in beheadings, female genital mutilation, rapes and massacres.The Greens political party are blinded by their hatred of America and unfortunately Israel too."

Bravo also to Michael Danby for this article today here 

Meanwhile, in South Africa, Woolworths sues BDSers...

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