Monday, 4 August 2014

"Whoever Would Have Thought We'd Ever See This On The Streets Of Sydney?" (includes video)

So remarked pro-Israel activist, blogger (Jews Down Under) and much-valued commenter Shirlee, in sending me these happy snaps.

She explains that the first two are stills from a Nine MSN video, and that she took the others herself, outside Sydney Town Hall.

 Thanks, too, to Shirlee for this vignette:

As the uploader, Cockney Doll, says on YouTube:

This is not Kabul Afghanistan, or even Mosul, Iraq. This is the main street of Lakemba, Sydney.

Jihadi flags, death chants and white pickup trucks.

 [The chants:] 
Philistine philistine (Arabic for Palestine),
Allah hedik Israel (God destroy you Israel)
Palestine is Muslim land
With the Umma we will stand
Palestine is Muslim land
The solution is Jihad
Palestine is Muslim land
Your oppression will not stand
You can never stop Islam
From Australia to al Sham (Syria)
One umma hand in hand
From Lakemba to Gaza 

Update: Andrew Bolt nails it:



  2. A great video to send to people, Andrew wraps it all up nicely in 5min
    The Bolt Report - Gaza


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