Thursday, 7 August 2014

'Hey Mummy ... There Are Eight Strange Men Who ... Are Screaming "Heil Hitler! Kill the Jews!’"; They Want To Cut Out Our Throats’

'Hey Mummy, please help us, there are eight strange men who have been let on to a school bus and they are screaming "Heil Hitler! Kill the Jews!’"; they want to cut out our throats!'

That's the ordeal that apparently faced Jewish schoolchildren in a pleasant seaside suburb of Sydney yesterday. 

As reported in the Sydney  Daily Telegraph:

'Jewish children as young as five were subjected to a terrifying racial attack when thugs stormed their school bus and threatened to slit their throats.
 Screaming “Kill the Jews” and “Heil Hitler” the louts jumped on the bus packed with about 30 students, from kindergarten to year 12, who were on their way home from school yesterday…
 The threatened students, from Mount Sinai College, Moriah College and Emanuel School, were hysterical after the attack by eight young men as the school bus travelled through the eastern suburbs towards Bondi Junction.
The attackers, described as Australian and smelling of ­alcohol, boarded on Alison Rd, Randwick at 4pm…
Mother Jacqui Blackburn said her three daughters on the bus, aged eight, 10 and 12, were traumatised. “The bus driver opened the doors for these strange men and allowed them on to torment the kids,” she said.
 “They were screaming ‘Heil Hitler’, ‘Kill the Jews’, ‘Palestine must kill you Jews’, ‘We are going to cut your throats and slice your throats open’ — just all very bad, anti-Semitic stuff…
Another mother, Isabelle Stanton, whose daughters Noa, 8, and Anais, 12, boarded at Mount Sinai College in Maroubra, said: “They were screaming racial stuff, ‘We are going to murder you’, ‘We are going to kill you’, and ‘Free Palestine’....'
As Australia's most-read columnist, the mighty Andrew Bolt, proclaims today,  "the Left and mass immigration are making Jews unsafe in our country".

Here's another example he gives:

Read all of Andrew Bolt's piece here


  1. The whole point of this is
    "Why on earth did the bus driver stop at an undesignated bus stop?

    1. He certainly seems to have valid questions to answer, Shirlee.

    2. Channel Nine stressed that, contrary to some reports, the bus was not a specially charted one, and that the driver did not flout any regulations in picking up the youths.


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