Monday, 14 July 2014

"The Palestinians [Are] One of Many Many Created Bogus Names": Arab Politician

"Needless to say it's very sad what is happening right now in Israel and ... in Gaza.  I bet most Israelis and the Israeli establishment and government did not desire the war on Gaza and did not desire to be bombing Hamas.  But unfortunately Hamas, a terrorist group, has brought misery for my people the Palestinians and for the Israelis....
Unfortunately the media antisemitism ... has reported very badly on Israel at the moment.
As a Palestinian leader it is in my best interests that Israel does well because whenever Israel does well we do very well and we thrive. Whenever Israel is in trouble because of Hamas and the antisemites in the West we suffer.
In fact, Hamas has only survived because of the tolerance and the media support of the West and elsewhere .....
.... All this is happening because the Palestinians need a state. It's true we do deserve a state....That state today is Jordan....
.... There is no question about the right and the entitlement [of the Jews] to The Land ....
It's about time the Israel-lovers in the United States, and there are millions of them, should consider the Jordanian option....
Most so-called Palestinians, my people, live in Jordan ..."
 That's the message of  the brave and personable Mudar Zahran, the Jordanian opposition leader who we have had the pleasure of meeting several times before on this blog.

He makes the point quoted in the header at 19:20, during a theme that begins at 18:48.

Among his other observations is that Israel is fighting the West's war against Islamism and that if Israel falls, other western countries will follow.

He is speaking at length to Brett and Jon Rappaport of Rappaport Media.Com, in a long discussion on paths to peace that also includes Sarah Stern, founder and president of the Endowment for Middle EastTruth

In this superb must-hear discussion she aptly describes Mr Zahran as a"profile in courage".


  1. No questions on Q and A?, has the left found another whipping boy?

    1. I fear it must be the calm before the storm.


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