Saturday, 26 July 2014

Antisemitism in Australia's left-liberal Fairfax press: Mike Carlton and Glen Le Lievre cross the line

By veteran Aussie journalist Mike Carlton in today's [Melbourne] Age and Sydney Morning Herald, newpapers in the left-liberal Fairfax stable, accompanied by an unmistakably antisemitic cartoon by Glen Le Lievre for good measure:
"....Yes, Hamas is also trying to kill Israeli civilians, with a barrage of rockets and guerilla border attacks. It, too, is guilty of terror and grave war crimes. But Israeli citizens and their homes and towns have been effectively shielded by the nation's Iron Dome defence system, and so far only three of its civilians have died in this latest conflict. The Israeli response has been out of all proportion, a monstrous distortion of the much-vaunted right of self defence.
It is a breathtaking irony that these atrocities can be committed by a people with a proud liberal tradition of scholarship and culture, who hold the Warsaw Ghetto and the six million dead of the Holocaust at the centre of their race memory...."
Carlton's is a false analogy.  He should remember that in the Second World War the United States dropped more bombs on Germany (millions oftons) than Germany dropped on the United States (zero).

Does Carlton think that this was a disproportionate use of American power?

He should also reflect that Hamas denies Israel's right to exist, and is indeed sworn in its covenant to the genocide not only of Jews in Israel but in the Diaspora as well.  It is impossible to negotiate with extremists like that.


  1. Such vulgar and naked Judenhass is absolutely nauseating and far beyond the pale (if that's the expression). I sincerely hope that the Jewish Community has some representation here in Australia who will take this to court. This must not be gotten away with.

    The Fairfax press like Carlton (I dont know the other individual mentioned) are clapped-out entities on their way out, but they can still do a lot of damage.

    As to the despicable fig leaf about "disproportional":

  2. Well, Rita, what dared not be breathed in public in the wake of the Shoah sure is being being publicly vented now. We see the varmints for what they are.

  3. If you are on twitter or any other mass media - please make this go viral. These rats are now coming out of their sewers, but the floodlights must be shone (grammar?) on them because, since Gaza started this time, my eyes, ears (and mouth too) are wide open and I have come across much decency and voices who need only the knowledge that they are not alone in rejecting such horrible horrible indecency.

    I have seen that in countries like Egypt, civilisation seems to breaking out, while in the so-called "West" it is breaking down.


    We have only keyboards, but words are mighty!

    1. I second that! I am having computer problems and in any case am not on Twitter, so would appreciate any links to this blog. it also appears on the Jews Down Under site, btw.

  4. Have tweeted it. I think in the present situation (Gaza/Hamas) that's the fasted way to get information out and exponentially distributed quite widely. (Except that what the terrorism-supporters, Jew-haters and assorted Leftists lack in soul and decency, they make up for in numbers - the net is absolutely awash with their nastiness - but we must not give up, every voice helps!)
    Hera are my tweets for your info (feel free to delete, if they are a little too peppered):

    Rita @MissOginy · 35m
    JewHatred & Terrorism Promoting: last refuge of dying Fairfax & permanently pickled has-been Carlton! YUK … via @smh

    Rita @MissOginy · 41m
    Antisemitism in Australia'sFairfax press, terminal for racist, Jew-hating has-beens like permanently-pickled Carlton

  5. While you, Daphne, might not be on twitter, some of your readers might be. They might be interested in reading the advice of a young Israeli Soldier re hashtags and how to try and refute the lies about Israel. The letter might sound technical, but it's advice which I and some of my contacts are following:

  6. Mike Carlton is right and accurate!
    And what kind of bombardments were used in WW2 is TOTALLY irrelevant. Since 1945 the world changed and so did the laws of war.
    The International Humanitarian Laws and the Geneva Convention have declared many of the methods used today by the descendants of Holocaust survivors CRIMES of WAR, something the just to be created UN Inquiry Commission on war crimes in Gaza will almost certainly prove, exactly like the ICC.

    Accurate, correct. Has nothing to do with antisemitism. Calling totally justified critic directed at the Israeli state, government and military "antisemitic" is one of the dirtiest tricks of national-zionism, which shamelessly exploits all the time the holocaust tragedy in order to claim being still victimized, de-legitimized, denigrated and what ever its perverted view of the world, of reality and of itself as the "chosen people" and Herrenmenschen of the Middle East creates. Yes, "the Sleep of Reason [and morality] creates Monsters".

    1. you're an idiot

    2. 1.

      2. re your "UN inquiry commission" - ever heard about the Goldstein report?

      No further discussion will be entered into, life is too short to spend it with defenders of HAMAS/ISIS/BOKO HARAM ETC.

    3. Something more recent for our visiting village idiot Robert Soran
      Serb TV station was legitimate target, says Blair
      At a heated press briefing at the Ministry of Defence, Clare Short, the international development secretary, said: 'This is a war, this is a serious conflict, untold horrors are being done. The propaganda machine is prolonging the war and it's a legitimate target.'

    4. Robert, please educate yourself as to the true meaning and significance of the "Chosen People" concept.
      I am confident that even you would agree that the cartoon reproduced here is antisemitic.

    5. Tell you what's perverted.

      Decapitate another infidel you hypocrite!

    6. That's your answer!' Japan? WW2
      Tell that to the headless Shiites and Christians in Syria!

    7. Robert Soran

      Could you please instance one event that you have already judged - not claimed - to constitute a war crime committed by Israel.

      Let us discuss that event when you nominate it.

      I will give you 2000 events that I judge to be war crimes committed by Hamas - the indiscriminate firing of rockets and missiles into civilian population centers in both Israel and Gaza.

      Do you agree with my judgement?

    8. Wow, just came here to read some alternative thoughts on this issue and am astounded by the vicious, nasty - and totally knee-jerk - response to Robert M. Soran. Shutting him down like that rather than engaging in intelligent debate feels alarmingly similar to what Israel and Hamas are doing to one another.........

  7. In WW2 Japan should have invaded Australia, lopped off a few thousand heads and carted off the women to be sex slaves. To keep it fair.

    1. Trudy!
      (To use the catchphrase of Brit comedian Dick Emery, "Ooh, you are awful ... but I like you!")

  8. Support from unexpected quarters
    Joan Rivers Defends Israel In Epic Rant

    Howard Stern Gives Impassioned Defense of Israel

  9. Can you explain just how/why it is anti-semitic? Israel is a self-declared Jewish state and Israel is bombing Gaza, and is doing so from a position of (relative) safety.
    Or am I missing something?
    A cartoon, according to wikipedia, in "modern usage refers to a typically non-realistic or semi-realistic drawing or painting intended for satire, caricature, or humor, or to the artistic style of such works."
    So, there is a certain amount of caricature involved; it is also clearly not a realistic representation: I think that fits the definition of a cartoon....

    The problem with considering any form of criticism of Israel as being 'unmistakeably anti-semitic', is that you will ultimately have only one setting: overreaction, and pretty soon you will isolate yourself from world opinion.
    So you disagree with the comments of the journalist...he might even be wrong...but does that make what he is saying anti-semitic? Could it be, like with so much of world politics, a person expressing a different view based on a different perspective, and nothing more?
    If people who are Jewish, either within Israel or outside, express such views, are they also anti-semitic?
    Is there any room to criticise Israel, in your opinion? (And if you did find something you thought was acceptible to criticise Israel about, might others, with a slightly different perspective from yours label you as anti-semitic then?)

    You rightly criticise Hamas' stance on Israel's right to exist. It seems though, that Israel is denying the palestinian people's right to that acceptable? Please don't respond with the silly "if Hamas gave up their weapons there would be peace". That idea has no currency especially given the fact that the Israeli government knew all along that Hamas was not responsible for abducting the three poor kids that were murdered...and yet were happy to suggest they were in order to facilitate further conflict: it very strongly suggests that Israel doesn't want peace.
    Personally, I do not support Hamas, but I see behaviour from Israel that I disagree with and I oppose it....don't call me anti-semitic for doing so..I will only laugh.

    1. Hamas wants Israel destroyed, and wants the genocide of world Jewry.
      The cartoon depicts a hook-nosed old man in the style of traditional antisemitism; I really do not need to spell it out.
      Some of the commenters on this same post over at the Jews Down Under site nail it.

    2. "Hamas wants Israel destroyed, and wants the genocide of world Jewry."
      Hamas is a terrorist organisation and has nothing to do with the cartoon or the journalist reporting. I was asking why the cartoon and the journalist could be labelled as anti-semitic.
      There is clearly anti-semitism in the world. Stating that fact is not evidence that your interpretation is correct. Not all opposition to Israel is anti-semitism just because anti-semitism exists. You conveniently deflected that topic though.

      "The cartoon depicts a hook-nosed old man in the style of traditional antisemitism;"
      It is a caricature in the traditional style of caricatures. How would you have a Jewish caricature done then? Or is doing a Jewish caricature in itself anti-semitic? If so then all caricatures are bigotry....somehow I don't think that one flies!
      Your 'evidence' is absolutely insufficient to make such a critical statement of anti-semitism.

      "I really do not need to spell it out."
      I am afraid when it comes to making such strong accusations you most definitely do, in great detail.

      "Some of the commenters on this same post over at the Jews Down Under site nail it."
      So some people express their opinions and that automatically makes those opinions fact?

      I am in no doubt that there is a lot of both deliberate and casual bigotry in the world, racism, sexism, ageism, discrimination based on ethnicity, discrimination based on ideology. Antisemitism was a scourge in the 20th century (and for a long time beforehand) and no doubt it exists today, both overtly and also indirectly through casual behaviour.
      I personally am concerned though that concerns about antisemitism are being used to deflect justifiable criticisms of Israeli brutality towards Palestinians (not talking about Hamas...not every Palestinian is a member or supporter of Hamas). The world is not binary; those who do not support a cause are not automatically enemies to it: those who oppose Israel are not automatically anti-semitic!

    3. Anon, the cartoon depicted a Jew in the nature of a racist stereotype, with sloping forehead and hook nose, an image that calls to mind the antisemitic imagery (think the appalling caricatures in the late nineteenth century in the Sydney "Bulletin" and Melbourne "Punch" or, in France, "La Libre Parole", and in the 1930s "Der Stuermer", and the1960s in Soviet antisemitic publications and, then as now, in sections of the Arab press. Since the Holocaust decent people in the West have eschewed these images, and it is deeply shocking to see them repeared in mainstream western newpapers like The Age and the SMH. They constitute racist stereotypes, based on assumptions of what Jews look like, and sometimes also on how Jews dress, and how Jews behave: crinkly hair, thick fat lips, large hooked noses, flashy clothes and ostentatious adornments that scream lots of money and conspicuous consumption. The stereotyped physical appearance - sloping forehead, large hooked nose - is present in the Le Lievre cartoon despite the terrible legacy of such cartoons and despite the fact that Jews come in all shapes and sizes (yes, even their noses). As a commenter on the JDU site observes of the cartoon:"An elderly man with a hook nose sits in an armchair with a cup of tea or coffee and a sleeping cat beside him, as if he is watching television. With the remote control he blows up a target in Gaza, as if for amusement. The props around him suggest a tranquil setting, one which is not itself suffering attack. No hint of the Hamas rockets menacing Sderot and other Israeli population centres there.
      The man’s physical appearance is the very model of the stereotyped Jew, the stuff of antisemitic publications such as Edouard Drumont’s at the time of the Dreyfus Case and of others since elsewhere in the world. Who is that old man, who can affect the fate of a landscape with a push of his remote control meant to represent if not the shadowy all-powerful figure of an Elder of Zion? This cartoon should be vigorously protested to the Press Council. It is despicable, disgusting, deeply offensive."
      Hear, hear.
      The points you make in your final paragraph do not in any way excuse the antisemitism indulged in by Le Lievre.

    4. You keep deflecting the important follow-up points:

      What format would an acceptable caricature of a Jewish person take? Unless you can provide an acceptable idea of a caricature you are then suggesting that no Jewish caricature is permissible. Why?
      A stereotype is not automatically is a stereotype... just because some people have used, and might continue to use such stereotypes to facilitate bigotry doesn't mean all such uses are equivalent bigotry.

      When I look at the cartoon, I don't see "a shadowy figure of an Elder of Zion": I see Israel callously casually and from a position of safety targetting innocent civilians. I am reminded of the images I saw recently of young people on a hillside on deckchairs cheering as innocent people are being bombed in Gaza below, from a position of safety! Would younger Jews in deckchairs be more to your liking? With a beer, instead of a remote control?
      Such behaviour is happening and you cannot claim otherwise. So, ultimately I see an accurate reflection, albeit in caricature, and clearly exaggerated (as is the sytle of caricatures), of what is actually happening.
      So you dislike the "stereotypical Jew". Who doesn't dislike the stereotype of their people? As an Irish person, I dislike the stereotypical Irish caricature, but I don't deny the usage where used to make a valid point.
      So the cartoon doesn't show Hamas rockets and the 'danger' they clearly don't present to Israel...that might be an indication of journalistic imbalance, but not anti-semitism.
      Israel's brutality towards the Palestinians is what is "despicable, disgusting, deeply offensive", not a newspaper cartoon.
      There is plenty of anti-semitism to go around, but regarding all criticism of Israel thusly will serve you and the Jews of the world absolutely no good.

      I see that yet again you simply refuse to acknowledge the idea of legitimate opposition to Israel.
      To turn your last comment on its head: the points you make do not excuse the apartheid, the ethnic cleansing, or the mounting death toll in Gaza!

    5. What are you on seriously? Relative safety? I'll ask my family friends over there who are sleeping in bomb shelters how relative safe they feel from the rockets being fired at them constantly.
      Relative safety, your an idiot. It's just that Israel protects it's citizens unlike Hamas who put thiers in harms way.
      Forget your ignorant constant response about the cartoon being fine as it is. Please educate us on how Israel should proceed in this conflict. Should they sit idly by and hope no rockets get through the iron dome and that the bomb shelters they have spent millions on hold up? Or wait until Hamas come through the tunnels and either be suicide bombers or abduct Israelis in their sleep? Notice how I said Israelis and not Jews as there are almost a million Palestinians living as full citizens in Israel. So come on genius, what should Israel do?

    6. What caricature of a Jew should you use? Simple. One that doesn't look as if it came from Nazi propaganda.

    7. An image of an Israeli soldier; a normal looking person with a Star of David; a person with a skullcap on (as fervent Zionists often wear)...just or starters
      And yes, I am a Jew who wears glasses who is disgusted by Israeli violence (but believes that Hamas are corrupt scum), not least because it is so harmful for Israel itself.

  10. Everyone, google Glen le Lievre Twiitter to see the defiant way in which both he and Carlton are treating this cartoon.

    Glen Le Lievre ‏@GlenLeLievre

    @MikeCarlton01 on, well, you know. SMH 26/7/14. © Glen Le Lievre 2014. #smh #gaza #palestine #armchaircritic
    Retweets 34
    Favorites 15
    Robb Chavez Kashif Chris Horrocks John Robertson Abu S.A. Deb Cansdell Joshua Raoul Whittle Barry Steele ECT ETC

    2:07 AM - 25 Jul 2014

    Mike Carlton ‏@MikeCarlton01 Jul 25

    @GlenLeLievre Scorching, as ever. Brace yourself for the accusations that you're a Nazi, anti-Semite, Jew-hater, Holocaust denier etc.
    Glen Le Lievre ‏@GlenLeLievre Jul 25

    @MikeCarlton01 Done there, been that.
    jaundiced view ‏@JaundicedV Jul 25

    @GlenLeLievre @MikeCarlton01 A fine & complete distillation.
    Baenelo 714 ‏@Baenelo Jul 25

    @GlenLeLievre @MikeCarlton01 children are worth double points.
    Glen Le Lievre ‏@GlenLeLievre Jul 25

    @JaundicedV @MikeCarlton01 Except that I've never matured.
    Glen Le Lievre ‏@GlenLeLievre Jul 25

    @Baenelo @MikeCarlton01 They have a button for that.
    Judy Singer ‏@singer_judy Jul 25

    @MikeCarlton01 @GlenLeLievre I see why u'd wanna strike 1st given fat swarthy hooked-nosed old male u chose to rep all Israelis.So original!
    Judy Singer ‏@singer_judy Jul 25

    @MikeCarlton01 @GlenLeLievre Diddums, guys. It's really not abt yr egos. Have fun in yr foxhole defending yr right to rip off 30s imagebank.
    Judy Singer ‏@singer_judy Jul 25

    What, no octopus? @GlenLeLievre @MikeCarlton01
    Colin Wight ‏@colwight Jul 25

    @GlenLeLievre @MikeCarlton01 well you know if the cap fits. And getting in preemptive denials doesn't excuse it. If I could be bothered...
    Stewart Mills ‏@StewartMills Jul 25

    @GlenLeLievre @MikeCarlton01 Pinpoint accuracy slip #Kerry #Sderot lounge viewers #Gaza #isra
    Steve Hallaway ‏@AbsoluteNorway Jul 25

    @MikeCarlton01 @GlenLeLievre and now you're endorsing an anti-Semitic picture. You're not good at this are you Mike?
    Rich Gregory ‏@gegsy1 Jul 25

    @GlenLeLievre @mikecarlton01 two dickheads engaged in casual racism. And #Fairfax happy to print it.
    KSE ‏@Jerome80 21h

    @GlenLeLievre @MikeCarlton01 Disgusting!..u are a disgrace to ur profession Glen! Emulating old stereotypes simply irresponsible! #fucktard
    KSE ‏@Jerome80 21h

    @GlenLeLievre @MikeCarlton01 Reckon a good one to brag about in ur portfolio hey Glen?, Say goodbye to ur career u goose! #glenthefucktard
    Cheshire Catte ‏@CatteCheshire 15h

    “@GlenLeLievre: @MikeCarlton01” Hey, nice "anti-Zionist" cartoon
    Cheshire Catte ‏@CatteCheshire 8h

    @GlenLeLievre @MikeCarlton01 Till I looked closely I thought this was the Hamas leader directing things from his luxury Doha hotel #gaza
    Bryan Gaensler ‏@SciBry 3h

    @GlenLeLievre @MikeCarlton01 Maybe if you drew a normal person rather than a hook-nosed old Jew, your main point would have been clearer.

  12. Sorry, using a borrowed computer (my own is kaput) and couldn't do a screenshot of the above. Somebody ought to!

  13. Hamas had repeatedly offered an indefinite ceasefire with Israel. The Arab League had two resolutions offering full recognition of Israel dating back to 20002. Hamas has repudiated its charter of destroying Israel in 2006.
    The West Bank is not ruled by Hamas and yet Israel expands settlements in the West Bank while paying lip service to a peace process. Now it has used the pretext of killed civilians to kill over a thousand in Gaza which is controlled by Israel from the land, air and sea. No amount of hasbara will whitewash inconvenient facts.

  14. I am puzzled. How can anti-Jewish cartoons etc be seen as "racial attacks"? My French nephew worked in Israel and married an Israeli girl. He then did the necessary to "become Jewish". If one can opt into (and out of) being Jewish then it is NOT a race.

  15. Daphne, have you been to Gaza or the West Bank to witness the lot of the Palestinians at first hand? Do you really imagine that you can understand what life is like for a Palestinian in either of Israel's cages? You say the cartoon is racist, what about a nation that denies the land, liberty and self-determination of another?

    1. The "Palestinians" would have had a state of their own had they been better served by their leaders, who have always preferred rejection to compromise. The "occupation" is the outcome of the bloodymindedness of the Arab nations that tried to destroy Israel by arms.

  16. Just read your "About Me." You started blogging as an apologist for Israel's murder of peace activists on the Mavi Marmara! That says a lot. Maybe after this massacre in Gaza we can expect at least 1600 new Zionist blogs.

  17. Please explain the humour in this, and how it cannot be connect to anything BUT anti-Semitism.

  18. What 300 dead children? This is the point, this is the issue, this requires outrage, these children, babies, they are not Hamas, the IDF/Net' has shown callous disregard for the children, and has dehumanised Palestinians to such an extent, that there is not even any remorse at the loss of those tiny souls.

  19. The zionists were weak and now are strong. For now. As my son's cartoon character's say, with power comes responsibility. Among many things, it means be careful what you do with your power because when its gone, everyone you f ucked will come back to f uck you harder.
    That doesn't make sense to those drunk on power.
    And so the cycle of history continues.


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