Wednesday, 4 June 2014

"Your Chance To Own A Piece Of History": A London church auctions Piccadilly "Wall" parts

"We are a community of people who aim to be inclusive and accepting – regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, background or belief."
That's the proud boast of an Anglican church in north London called St Luke's, West Holloway.

Writes its vicar, the Rev. Dave Tomlinson: "St Luke’s is a glorious mishmash of people – young and old, men and women, black and white, gay and straight – who have found in this place somewhere to belong, somewhere to make friends, somewhere to grow personally and spiritually, somewhere to laugh and weep together, somewhere to explore the mystery we call God. We are a church that tries to combine the rich and broad tradition of Christianity with insights and understandings from the present, and this is reflected in our theology and worship."

(Also included in the leadership team are: "The Revd Martin Wroe, Associate Vicar, who is also a full-time freelance writer ... Music Director, Justin Butcher ... [and] Ruth Peacock who is a broadcaster and journalist.")

It would seem that those "insights and understandings from the present" to which the vicar refers are one-sided when it comes to  the State of Israel.  St Luke's would appear to be another left-leaning English church that is interested only in embracing and exploring the Palestinian narrative.

Its musical director, Justin Butcher, is presumably the man of that name who is creative director of the "Bethlehem Unwrapped" project that was responsible for the disgraceful, despicable "Wall" stunt at St James's, Piccadilly, over Christmas (photo above of Israel-supporters locked out of the St James's courtyard during that event).

That stunt, of course, gave no consideration whatsoever to the Israeli case for having constructed the separation barrier nor, needless to say, the fact that the barrier has succeeded in diminishing suicide and other terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens.

And today a spin-off event is to be held on St Luke's premises (hat tip: reader P, who sent me the following, the substance of which, together with the one of the "graffitied panels" referred to, can be seen on the website of the Arab-British Centre here):
'Premiere of the Bethlehem Unwrapped film documentary & AUCTION of the Bethlehem Unwrapped “WALL” Next Wednesday, June 4th, 7pm for 7.30pm St Luke's Church, Hillmarton Road, London N7 9RE
Your chance to own a piece of history:
On December 23rd 2013, the 8m high “WALL” installation was built across the courtyard of the historic Christopher Wren church, blocking it from view, “unwrapping” the reality of Bethlehem at Christmas – a city and a people imprisoned by the Separation Wall.
Accumulating the graffitied drawings and messages of an estimated 30,000 visitors from all over the world, “WALL” became a major collective work of protest art. The installation was reported and reviewed by global television, radio, print and online publications, and reached a social media audience of 8 million via Twitter. At the closing ceremony on January 5th 2014, the Wall was transformed into a bridge, symbol of hope and connection. On January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany, the Wall was dismantled.
We are delighted to invite you to the auction of this historic canvas, graffiti snapshot of the moment when the Wall came to London.
Graffitied panels from “WALL," centrepiece of the acclaimed Bethlehem Unwrapped Festival will be auctioned at St Luke's Church, Hillmarton Road, London N7 9RE next Wednesday, June 4th 2014 at 7pm for 7.30pm, to raise funds for the Holy Land Trust in Bethlehem.
Also on display, with some items on sale, is artist Meg Wroe's exhibition of paintings on wood from her 2012 visit to Bethlehem, together with an exhibition of children's art from the Dar Al-Kalima School in Bethlehem, "All They Draw Is The Wall". See
The evening includes the premiere of the Bethlehem Unwrapped documentary & light refreshments from Zaytoun CIC.
We look forward to welcoming you, and thank you for your support for Bethlehem Unwrapped.
Kind regards – Justin Butcher Deborah Burton Creative Director, Director, Bethlehem Unwrapped Tipping Point North South"
Too bad the St James's Church officials spay-painted over messages on the wall that did not suit the church's propagandistic purpose.  Otherwise the "graffitied panels" up for auction at St Luke's could have included these reminders that Israel has a case worth heeding, and is, indeed, more sinned against than sinning:

Now, that would offer "real insights and understanding", and provide the punters with a real "piece of history", wouldn't it?


  1. Stand by for a veritable flood of open minds from the hard left eager to learn and understand the other point of view, Daphne.


    1. Thanks for that link, Geoff!

    2. Here's the result to that vote

  2. Must pop over to the old dart for that auction.
    Wouldn't want the chance to miss out on such an amazing deal


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