Sunday, 22 June 2014

"We're Saving Them From Eternal Punishment": A Day Out in Sydney:

Global Dawah Day, which I gather is when Muslims around the world make a combined effort to introduce non-Muslims to Islam, is scheduled this year for 8th July.

Hat tip: Marvin W. for alerting me to this video, which shows glimpses of such proselytising in Sydney.

As I commented to reader Shirlee on my penultimate post, members of the so-called Islamic Reasearch and Educational Academy (IREA), who were represented at the interfaith concert at Temple Beth Israel in Melbourne (see here for the controversy brewing about that event, where a malecentric, Islamic supremacist Surah was recited ) recently converted several people at an interfaith event on the Mornington Peninsula.

To quote from IREA's Facebook page (which also features posts about the TBI concert):
"Alhamdulillah 6 people embraced Islam today at our Dawah Table in Mornington Peninsula Interfaith Festival....
Alhamdulillah, another sister accepted Islam in our dawah stall at the Interfaith Festival in Mornington Peninsula.
Allahu akbar the sister was a Christian but was not sure about Jesus's divinity. After a long discussion with our da'ee about God's oneness and the prophethood of Jesus and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them both) she agreed with them and became a Muslim. All praise and gratitude belongs to god. She took a copy of quran and some other materials with her to study further....
Another sister accepted Islam!
Takbeer! Allahu Akbar!
Sister Judy has accepted Islam as a way of life. She has been involved in interfaith organizations for a long time and learned about different religions. She was very interested about Islam and even performed fasting in Ramadan last year as well. Alhmdullilah, after a quick discussion with our da'ee she took her shahdah today....
Alhamdulillah, Sister Ruth accepted Islam at the interfaith festival in Mornington Peninsula.
Takbeer! Allahu Akbar!
Sister Ruth have heard about Islam before but had some misconceptions. Our da'ee approached her and explained Islam in detail by clearing her misconceptions. Glory be to god after a long discussion she took her shahdah and accepted Islam as a way of life and faith."
I can't help thinking that there must be many ex- or nominal Christians around who, unable to accept such teachings of their own faith as the divinity of Jesus and the concept of the Trinity, would be drawn to Judaism, if Judaism was a faith that readily accepts proselytes, and thus to Zionism ...

But the fact remains that if one element in an interfaith dialogue is genuinely and intractably convinced that those not of the faith are doomed to "eternal punishment", how and why should "interfaith dialogue" proceed?

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