Friday, 9 May 2014

On A US Campus, BDS Meets Quenelle?

In yet another must-read post on his Legal Insurrection blog, Professor William Jacobson draws attention to the disturbing intimidation of and discrimination against pro-Israel students that has been taking place on some American campuses:
'Soon after the defeat of anti-Israel divestment resolutions at U. Michigan and UCLA, I began to see anti-Israel advocates single out pro-Israel students who had gone on trips to Israel sponsored by pro-Israel groups, or had received advocacy training from pro-Israel groups.
These trips and advocacy training are critical because some campuses have become openly hostile to pro-Israel students as a result of “direct action” and other intimidation by relatively small but highly coordinated anti-Israel groups like Students for Justice in Palestine. Professors actively participate in demonizing pro-Israel students. [My emphasis]
So I was not completely surprised when I learned from reader emails over the past several days that there is an attempt at UCLA to disqualify any student who received pro-Israel training or trips from being on the Student Council...'
Be sure to read the entire post, with its supporting evidence and video, here

Meanwhile, boasts the so-called Students for Justice in Palestine group at the University of South Florida regarding a BDS initiative there last month:
"They collected 10,000 student signatures demanding that their university end investments and involvement with those companies. They chose human rights over profit. By collecting 10,000 student signatures, which is 25% of the entire student body at USF, they made history as the largest student petition ever in the state of Florida."
We're told here:
'In Florida, students organizing a divestment petition said they drew inspiration from the words of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. engraved on the center of the campus: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” 
They submitted a petition of more than 10,000 signatures calling on the University of South Florida Foundation to divest from companies complicit in human rights violations in Palestine.
The students’ petition listed three direct demands: transparency, ethical investment, and divestment. “We support SJP’s petition to make USF a [Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions] school,” said Gage Lacharite, president of Students for a Democratic Society.“...'
But as the above photo shows, one of the victors celebrated by seeming to give the antisemitic quenelle salute.

Sure is ethical, eh?

What other causes has Martin Luther King's quotation inspired the student body to embrace, I wonder.  The persecution of Christians, dissenters, apostates and gays in the Islamic world?  The Islamic war on women? The outrages against democracy in Iran, North Korea, China ...?

I think we should be told.


  1. Overlooked Psychology of the Arab-Israeli Peace Process
    by Mr. Cohen of the Derech Emet yahoo group, 2014/4/27

    In a very famous Bible story, King Solomon threatened to cut a baby in half
    to satisfy the claims of two women who claimed possession of the same baby
    (Melachim Aleph, chapter 3, verses 16 to 28).

    The fake mother did not object to cutting the baby in half,
    but the real mother begged King Solomon to not do it
    because the real mother did not want to see her baby die.

    Arabs are very familiar with this Bible story and they apply it
    to the conflict over possessing “Palestine.” Arabs believe that
    just as the fake mother in the court of King Solomon was
    willing to divide the baby, the Israelis are fake owners of
    “Palestine” because they are willing to divide it.

    According to this logic, Arabs can never agree to less than 100%
    of “Palestine” because doing so would make them like the fake
    mother in the court of King Solomon who was willing to divide the baby.

  2. I understand the childlike Jew hate of college morons. That's simply what they do. But why don't South Florida students mount a flotilla to next-door Cuba or something?

  3. Hi Daphne, I took a closer look at that picture:

    And I'm not sure the SJPers in question is actually doing a "quenelle." It looks like he's just holding his arm to the side and not touching his other arm, which is held further back. The quenelle is usually done with four fingers not two:

  4. Hmmm. It still looks sus to me, But I've edited the post in light of your comment, Zach.

  5. Yeah. The guy with the shades is just reminding the runner to tag on a long fly. The other is ordering two brewskis. The guy between'em seems to have lost his bubblegum.
    An interesting factoid: In photographs of three or more quennellists; at least one of them is doing it the other way round.
    I'm not sure but the gal five over (left) in the white scarf seems to be flashing the classic "hook'em horns"


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