Monday, 28 April 2014

No Word of Reproach, Vicar?

As I've observed before, the Vicar of Virginia Water, busily crusading against Christian Zionism as usual – in a new video that I really don't want to link to he can be seen on Russia Today decrying it along with interviewer George Galloway – really does need to take stock of his friendships on social media, and banish (or at the very least admonish) the antisemites and conspiracy theorists amongst them. 

The above post by Sizer on Facebook has elicited the following exchange:

Surely there's something you want to say to Nafeh AbuNab, vicar?

(But see also here)


  1. You seem to have a very high opinion of his moral compass, if you think he gives a flying ****.

  2. When I clicked on his facebook page (via his blog) all I got was him changing his coverphoto over the past months - am I missing something?

    1. Unless you are a Facebook friend of his, as my informant "Reader P" is, you're unlikely to see the posts and comments.


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