Friday, 4 April 2014

"I'm An Unapologetic Zionist" (video)

Here's a pleasant video (courtesy of the Jewish Chronicle) which shouldn't get anybody's hackles up: historian Stephen Schama (whose wonderful television series on Jewish history has been showing in Australia) in conversation with Jewish Chronicle editor Stephen Pollard in December last year. Towards the end Schama explains why he's "an unapologetic Zionist"; note the warm applause.

1 comment:

  1. The final part dealing with modern day Israel is not great. It's disappointing he didn't weigh into the palestinians constant lies about history, if only he would refer to the pig eating philistines in that episode.
    His comment about not being in a position to judge the security barrier is good:
    "I want to say that nobody, including me, ultimately has the moral right to say that the Wall shouldn't have some sense if you don't live in Israel - I don't live in Israel - you're morally obliged to be nearly silent, nearly silent."
    But then he goes onto misrepresent Jabotinsky's Iron Wall.


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