Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Can France Still Close Its Eyes To NGOs That Sponsor Terrorism?

Although the following item, by J.P. Grumberg and Jean Vercors (sent to me by the latter) ideally needs to be read in conjunction with this brief video (no English subtitles, but its point is crystal clear) it can nevertheless stand alone:
Sometimes , humanitarian organizations use a cover for financing of jihad, and Islamists have one foot in the legal world and another in the financing of terrorism , said Juan Zarate, former member of the U.S. State Department and author of Treasury’s War, which describes the efforts of the United States to penetrate the financial networks of jihad.
Thus, in France , and with impunity , “Le comité de bienfaisance de secours aux Palestiniens” CBSP finances Hamas terrorist activities (Hamas is listed as [a] terrorist organization by the European Union and the United States) under the guise of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians.
The French intelligence services are fully aware of this but they keep closing their eyes to it.
The Committee for Charity and Support for the Palestinians (CBSP) or Comité de Bienfaisance et de Secours aux Palestiniens (CBSP) is a French-based registered charitable organization that was founded in 1990. Its current president is Khalid Al-Shuli.
The CBSP state that its humanitarian mission is to provide emergency assistance and develop sustainable economic and social programs in partnership with local organizations so as to assist the most needy segments of the Palestinian population in Gaza, the West Bank, and Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon.
The CBSP was listed as a terrorist fundraising group in Israel in 1997. Israeli police claimed the CBSP had provided cash rewards to the families of suicide bombers. In August 2003, the CBSP was listed by the United States Treasury as a terrorist funding organization, also under the allegation that the organization fundraised for Hamas.
In November 2003, Australia announced it had frozen the assets of six leaders of Hamas, along with those of a number of charitable institutions - one of which was the CBSP [see also here - D.A.].
France, for obscure but perfectly immoral reasons, decided that the CBSP can continue to reap tens of millions of euros in donations (13 million in 2009) on behalf of Hamas.
In 2010, AFP , in a dispatch taken over by a French newspaper, The Dispatch, cited the testimony of Jean-Charles Brisard, a world renowned French expert on terrorism and former military attaché under Balladur:
 "This is only the tip of the iceberg : the CBSP is cited in several legal proceedings, the United States but also in France , for financial support to Hamas "
The CBSP provides financial assistance for children of fallen martyrs in suicide attacks by Hamas [via the] UOIF (Union of Islamic Organizations of France) in a "camouflaged campaign ...  for the modest sum of 50 euros, sponsor an orphan in Palestine. "
Is France credible when she promises to fight against antisemitism with the strongest actions while leaving flourish on its territory an organization which funds antisemitic terrorism? ....
Can France denounce a terrorist organization and authorize its funding at the same time?
See also here
 Meanwhile, antisemitism in France, and aliya rates, continue to grow ...

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