Tuesday, 4 March 2014

"With Friends Like That, Who Needs the BNP?" (video)

Pat Condell is certainly worked up in this, his latest rant against Islam in Britain.

His strictures against the Islamic attitude to women are of course well-justified.  Yet the Islamic Human Rights Council gave its recent "Islamophobe of the Year" Award to a young man who had opposed the imposition of gender segregation (demeaning to women) in the public space of the university as demanded by Islamists!

How strange it is that dedicated feminist Sarah Teather MP, one of the brightest stars in the Lib Dem firmament, endorsed the recent "Islamophobia" Awards with the statement:
"I’m really pleased to see the Islamophobia Awards returning this year for what I know will be a very fun evening with a serious message.  Discrimination and prejudice in all their forms are completely unacceptable but, sadly, they persist. With the current climate of anti-immigration rhetoric in the media, I am particularly concerned about rising xenophobia and Islamophobia. That’s why the work of the Islamic Human Rights Commission is so important."
And how strange it is that life peer and former Liberal MP Lord Avebury, better known to the general public as Eric Lubbock, who caused a sensation back in 1962 when he was elected Liberal MP for Orpington (thus prompting some commentators to wonder whether the all-but-dead-and-buried Liberal Party of Gladstone and Asquith and Grimond was due for a revival), should also endorse those awards; not only is he an avowed Liberal but he is an Honorary Associate of the National Secular Society and a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association:
"I am delighted to send this message of welcome for the Islamophobia Awards Ceremony and for the valuable work of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, and I am proud to have been  involved in some of their work."
But perhaps the most shameful endorsement came from the ludicrous former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, whose co-religionists are daily being persecuted and slaughtered by adherents of "the religion of peace":
"The fact that prejudice and ignorance are ridiculous doesn’t – unfortunately – make them less lethal. But it is important from time to time to be reminded that they are ridiculous, and that’s why this event is so welcome...."
"Revert" Lauren Booth suggested a winner in her endorsement:
"....Well done IHRC for your sterling work. My vote goes to Bibi Netanyahu for his Outstanding Effort to demonise Islam."
Meanwhile, as doughty pro-Israel blogger Edgar Davidson has noted in a post that deserves more exposure, Britain's supine Anglo-Jewish "leadership" appears to be sliding into dhimmitude: see his post here and be sure to click on his links!


  1. I wonder if the same individuals would send the same messages of support to the "Anti-semites of the year awards."

  2. Because once you unpack all of this it's really just a kind of weird endorsement of Jew haters. Hate the people who point out the fascism inherent in Islam because somehow those critics are 'Jews' or 'Zionists'.

    That's why. If there was a list of people who hated scones the most, some liberals would call it the 'Secret Bagel Conspiracy of You Know Who'


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