"Iran Will Turn Tel Aviv & Haifa into Ashes"; "Death to America!" (videos)
While one of Press TV's tame western 9/11 troofers, American Kevin Barrett, spews out some more vomitous stuff against "the Zionist Entity" on that notorious propaganda channel, two videos from Memri.org prove the sweetness and light that emanates from Teheran.
In this top video, simulated footage on Iranian TV of what the mad mullahs say will happen if "the Zionist regime" takes pre-emptive defensive action against attacks Iran: "Iran will turn Tel Aviv and Haifa into ashes"; also shown is a mock Iranian strike on an American aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, the USS Abraham Lincoln:
And here's an ayatollah waxing lyrical about the envisioned fate of America, to much acclaim from his audience:
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