Friday, 14 February 2014

Far Left Israel-Hater Mads Gilbert Joins BDSers Pressuring Neil Young

Gilbert and Tonge: Richard Millett photo
Remember far left hatchet-faced Norwegian Mads Gilbert doing a far-left far-from-fair and reputedly decidedly dodgy  hatchet job on Israel during Operation Cast Lead in 2009?

He has form on the issue of Israel and the Middle East, has Mads (see here for starters and also here) and as blogger Richard Millett, who went along to witness Mads and Jenny Tonge vent their spleen at a meeting at Westminster in 2012 (photo at left), noted:

'Gilbert had called for an academic boycott of Israel and during the Q&A I asked him how he could propose such an obviously racist policy and whether he used any Israeli products himself.
He said that the accusation that he was “a racist” was “absolutely preposterous” (I didn’t call him “a racist”) and said that he used computers without Intel chips. He then accused me of “smiling and laughing arrogantly” while Manal was speaking. I was smiling, but only at Manal’s suggestion that Jonathan go to the West Bank with her to drink tea “like a Palestinian”.
Gilbert further rejected accusations of anti-Semitism, eventhough none were made, with:
 “If you want to look for anti-Semitism don’t look among us because we are profoundly anti-racist”.
He’s even friends with a Canadian Jew!'
 See more, including a video, here)

Mads Gilbert's now stepped into the Israel-demonising limelight yet again in order to lend his ten kroner worth to the BDSers' current campaign to cajole US-based "Crazy Horse" singer Neil Young to cancel his scheduled appearance in Israel in July.

Mads Gilbert has issued an Open Letter to the singer here

Before he yields to Mads Gilbert's pressure, Canadian-born Mr Young should take heed of what Honest Reporting Canada wrote about Mads back in 2010:
'Mr. Gilbert is often portrayed as the epitome of courage under fire, but in reality, this “doctor” is more of a self-described partisan political activist than a medical practitioner. Instead of appropriately framing this interview for its readers by properly acknowledging Gilbert’s limited credentials and troubling background, the McGill Daily instead treated him as an innocent, objective, and credible medical professional.
“Mad” Mads is in reality a radical anti-Israel political activist and member of the Norwegian Maoist ‘Red’ party. Gilbert is viscerally hostile towards Israel. He’s an extremist Marxist propagandist who outrageously accused Israel of using Gaza as a “test laboratory for new (Israeli) weapons.” He even went as far to compare Israel’s Operation Cast Lead, which although not stated in this interview, was an effort to thwart the thousands of deadly rockets fired at Israel for the past eight years, to the 1982 massacre in the Palestinian refugee camps that was committed by Christian Phalangists.
Gilbert’s partisan political agenda and hatred for the U.S. and Israel is best understood though his own statements where he supported the September 11 terror attacks. Shortly after 9/11, Gilbert was interviewed by the Norwegian daily newspaper Dagbladet where he stated the following: “The attack on New York was not surprising, after the policy that has led the West in recent decades. I am upset over the terrorist attack, but am equally upset over the suffering which the United States has created. It is in this context that the 5000 dead people must be seen. If the U.S. government has a legitimate right to bomb and kill civilians in Iraq, then there is also a moral right to attack the United States with the weapons they had to create. Dead civilians are the same whether they are Americans, Palestinians or Iraqis.”
Gilbert was then asked by the Dagbladet reporter if he had supported the 9/11 terror attacks and he replied: “Terror is a bad weapon, but the answer is yes, within the context I have mentioned.” ....' [Emphasis added]
See the entire article here

More regarding Mads Gilbert here


  1. OMG Daph, talk about déjà vu. I remember clearly her altercation with Richard.

    Why isn't the Norwegian Dr. Mads Gilbert,from Gaza 09,not in Syria to help Aleppo victims from Assad's barrel bombs?

  3. Mads Gilbert exposed for the hypocrite he is.
    Syria: Assad attacks Latakia with tanks and navy, hospital trashed by army… but where are our friends Mads Gilbert and Erik Fosse?
    August 14, 2011

    Norway admits aid money may have gone to Palestinian murderers
    Cnaan Liphshiz
    March 13, 2013

  5. Its not looking good for Hamas Islamo fascist supports like Mads Gilbert.
    While Syrian people are being slaughtered, ego-tripper Mads Gilbert is on tour to promote own book
    by McGonagall
    February 12, 2012

  6. Daphne, the link that should point to the Honest Reporting article instead points to Mads Gilbert's letter to Neil Young.

  7. This must be one of the most hilarious blogg ever. Gilbert is a hero and what he has done is to give a narrative from a war, standing in it. He is absolutely a lefty but what does that matter when you stand i 500 dead children in a war,between a military strong country and an occupied over populated slice of a land with no place to hide?.
    Gilbert does not support Hamas or PLO or other political sides in the ongoing war at the Gaza Strip. He is only referring to the moralistic side of killing civilians in huge numbers.
    4 people was kiled in Israel during this war, and as he says, that is four too much, but not an excuse to slay civilians and children.
    Thi blog with comments is a demagoguery of shame as it's presented with one thing in mind, to disdain a man that has dedicated 30 years of free work among the poorest and most fragile of people in the middle east.
    To rip sentences out of its content to mock him is just low.... incredible low. Criticism towards Israels use o it's fist towards children and civilians has nothing to do with the israelians them self. This is criticism from Gilbert made in a situation where there is no water to wash his hands of blood shed by Israelian politicians.
    Of course it hurts to be criticized, but Dr. Gilbert is a hero and he has saved more lives than anybody else commenting on this demagoguery of a blog.
    It's sad to read such shameless comments.


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