Sunday, 2 February 2014

Anti-Israel Christians Launch Toxic Study Guide

'The nationalistic, exclusionary, and racist ideology of Zionism is the exact antithesis of the core spiritual values and moral teachings shared by the three Abrahamic traditions—Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Zionism Unsettled is a path-breaking publication that points the way toward achieving real peace with justice and reconciliation among all the Children of Abraham in our shared Holy Land.'

So opines Francis A. Boyle, Professor, College of Law, University of Illinois.
'Zionism Unsettled is a monumental achievement. This comprehensive, compassionate, and fearless critique of Christian and Jewish Zionism should be taken up by churches, seminaries, universities, and community groups who are ready to move away from the destructive impact of Zionist ideology and theology. This is a true gift and invaluable tool for a church that today must follow its social justice calling, as it did in the struggle against Jim Crow and South African apartheid.'

So opines Mark Braverman, Program Director, Kairos USA.
'The urgency of the Palestinian plight in the face of Israeli intransigence indicates that intentional, concrete, and sustained public action is necessary to respond credibly to the crisis. Zionism Unsettled is a welcome study guide. It will prove an effective vehicle for helping to mobilize public opinion so that both attitudes and policies can be transformed in the face of an imperious and exploitative ideology.'
So opines Walter Brueggemann, Professor Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary.

Those are just three of the anti-Zionist Christian heavies who have provided soundbites with which to plug a new propaganda weapon in their onslaught against Israel, a slick publication seemingly utterly devoid of sympathy for Israel and Israelis, of understanding of the Arab rejectionism and terrorism that Israel has been up against from the beginning, and, if I'm not mistaken, wishes the sovereign state of Israel replaced with that so-called single state for all.

See this nasty piece of work here

Meanwhile (hat tip: E.G.) it seems that a number of Palestinian Arabs, with brand new electric saws presumably acquired for the purpose, have been caught in the act of cutting down their own people's olive trees and making the vandalism appear to be the work of Jews by daubing the stumps with the words Tag Mehir ("price tag") on the cut off stumps.  (If you read Hebrew click here; if you read French click here)

As for our old mate the vicar of Virginia Water, who needless to say is one of the Christian clerics plugging the study guide, Yisrael Medad makes mincemeat here of one of the vicar's sermons.


  1. Re: Fake price tag attack
    Here's an English link with more pix

  2. For the last four years the Palestinian authority olive harvest has greatly exceeded the amount they can export and as well as domestic consumption. Culling the olive trees may well be sound agricultural economics. Blaming the Jews is a bonus.


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