Saturday, 18 January 2014

"Palestine Soccer Team. Sending Out A Few Terrorists to Play Against You in Australia"

Streuth! How shall we Zionists, we-so-called hasbarafiosos, ever live this one down?  There was a Palestinian soccer team that visited Australia in 1939.  More irrefutable evidence that there was indeed a people known as "The Palestinians" well before Yasser Arafat snatched that term for propaganda purposes in the 1960s and ran with it.

To quote the original uploader onto YouTube:
"This video is one of endless evidents [sic] which prove that Palestine was inhibted [sic] by the Palestinaians before the jewish people came from all around the world to occupy this land ,demolish the cities and villages of Palestinians slaughter the people of this land and force them to leave their homes and property.
the result of this match : Palestine 1-0 Australia
this video was taken from the historian Ahmad Mrowat Mroueh Facebook page ..."

Not so fast, Ahmad, and those who have been misled along with you.  Have a listen to what the Aussie commentator says at 34 seconds and you'll learn that the "Palestinians" aren't Arabs, as you assume, but Jews:
"Wham! Saved! But then the Jews were always a saving race."
 But don't just take the commentator's word for it.

(Melbourne) Argus, 27 June 1939
Here's some background on the team (read the entire thing here, it's quite fascinating):
".... Ironically it was Germany's annexation of Austria in 1938 that put a Palestine tour of Australia back on the agenda.

The Australian Association had been in correspondence with Austrian club, Rapid, and the Indian National team about touring Australia. In June they rejected a proposal to bring out a Palestine team despite the Melbourne Jewish community backing the tour with £1000 and providing accommodation.

However when Rapid applied to the German Football Association for permission to tour it was rejected.

With little hope of any European side touring Australia, the Association eventually changed it's previous stance and in early 1939, agreed for Palestine to tour, as long as the financial backing was guaranteed.

Before leaving for Australia, the touring party laid a wreath on the Australian War Memorial, opposite the entrance gates of the British War Cemetery, at Mount Scopus, Jerusalem in memory of fallen Australian soldiers.

The players, who were mostly from the powerful Maccabi Tel-Aviv club side with a few players from other teams included to create a 'Palestine' banner under which to play. The Grand Mufti had a message for Australia, when placing this ad Grand Mufti message in a newspaper upon the arrival of the tourists in Western Australia.
 The visitors were officially welcomed to Australia by the chairman of the board of control of the West Australian Soccer Football Association (Mr.F. Smith) and members of the board. Following the official reception, the Palestine players had their first practice run since leaving Ceylon at the Stephen street Reserve, after which they were brought to Perth and entertained at a luncheon tendered by the board of management of the Perth Hebrew Congregation. They then sailed for Melbourne in the evening...."
Also this:
Sydney Morning Herald, 1 July 1939
"An interesting soccer tour took place during this time of increased tension. In 1939 The Maccabi-Palestine team arrived in Australia for 5 test matches. Overall media response was very negative with suggestions that future tours should only be accepted from members of the Empire. The Sydney Morning Herald of 7th August 1939 described play as ‘wretched’ and stated that it ‘caused resentment among paying spectators’. This assessment is bemusing as although the tourists lost the test series they won 11 and drew 3 of their 19 matches – including big wins over Queensland, Victoria, Melbourne, South Australia and Western Australia.
Despite the negativity Avrah[a]m Reznik, Avrah[a]m Beit HaLevi and Menaham Mirmvotich remained in Australia. According to records at the Australian War Memorial two were killed in action serving Australia:
Menaham Mirvotich (2/11th Battalion - Infantry) died 12 May 1945 in New Guinea
 Abraham Bezalel Beth-Helevy [Anglicised] (2/12th Battalion - Infantry) died 21 January 1944."
Sorry to disappoint you and your cohorts, Ahmad. But that's the situation as it was, and not as the Israel-delegitimising movement wishes it had been.

(Cross-posted to News and Jews from Jews Down Under here)

(Talking of matters historical, I see there are renewed calls to boycott the planned Oral History Conference at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Here's a list of  boycott advocates: what an obnoxious bunch of wretches.) 


  1. Just check out the names of the team members:

    That says it all :-)


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