Tuesday, 28 January 2014

In London, A Fracas Following An Anti-Israel Event (video)

Our heroic young British friend of non-Jewish Iraqi origin and a companion went along to an Israel-demonising event in London.  Uploading the following to YouTube, he explains:
"We were at an event called 'attack on the people' by Jeff Halper! As we filmed inside, we were told we didnt have permission. So we decided to film them as they were coming out. Obviously they saw that there were two of us, so they decided to harass us, come close to us, pushing and shoving. I apologise for the poor quality of the film."
Things begin to hot up from around 4.40 seconds ...

Remarks a commenter on YouTube:
'The intimidating bullies here are the HAMAS supporters amongst the so called British Liberal Left. Shame on them, for attacking 2 honest and brave and PEACEFUL men, one of whom is a British Muslim of Iraqi origin and who has taken the time and energy to learn the facts about the regional conflict always targeting Israel, and as a result feels compelled to stand up and be counted while being heard. RESPECT!'
To our young hero: Keep up the good work, but above all keep safe.

Meanwhile, from the heart of Londonistan, a Holocaust Day 2013 speaker has been posting vile messages about Jews (see here)
For Catherine Ashton's missing J word this Holocaust Memorial Day: see here


  1. So big deal she didn’t single out Jews.

    12 million people were murdered by the Nazi regime between 1939 and 1945, they were not all Jews.

    Hitler sought to exterminate anyone he saw as imperfect.

    I know we suffered the greatest loss but let us not forget the other 6 million souls who perished.

    I see no issue with this..

    “Today the international community remembers the victims of the Holocaust. We honor every one of those brutally murdered in the darkest period of European history. We also want to pay a special tribute to all those who acted with courage and sacrifice to protect their fellow citizens against persecution.
    On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we must keep alive the memory of this tragedy. It is an occasion to remind us all of the need to continue fighting prejudice and racism in our own time. We must remain vigilant against the dangers of hate speech and redouble our commitment to prevent any form of intolerance. The respect of human rights and diversity lies at the heart of what the European Union stands for.”

    Maybe the Gay Community, Gypsies, dwarfs, disabled people etc also feel like they've been left out.

    Do you get my point?

    1. Except that the thing is called what it's called. It's not called "Let's remember all the beastly things those Huns did to the Poles, their livestock and various and sundry other people and things they weren't thrilled with."

      Show me where the Poles, Gypsies, Armenians and such were stripped of all citizenship, civil and human rights BEFORE September 1, 1939? Show me where brownshirts firebombed all the shops and homes belonging to the Gingers. Show me the IBM designed identity cards used in the Reich to note that people were Hungarian, Serbian and Croat.Show me how the Nuremberg racial laws made it a crime for them to have sex with Germans. Show me the Ministries who's sole existence was to ensure the orderly processing of them unto death not because of where they happened to live and not even who they even were but because of the murderer's insane pseudoscientific crackpot philosophy about who their grandparents and great grandparents were. Show me were the German state diverted precious war resources to transport every last left handed brown eyed Czech to the death camps.

      No, I'm afraid that as tragic as all those deaths are, they are what we today call collateral damage. The target was always 100% the Jews.

    2. An interesting, thought-provoking article here:

  2. OT
    Chloe Valdary interviewed on Canadian TV
    Anti-semitism on the rise on college campuses
    Pro-Israel campaigner and student Chloe Valdary discusses how anti-Jewish bigotry is on the rise on North American university campuses.

  3. An Israel-demonising play has opened in London:
    I wonder how long it will be before it comes elsewhere.


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