Monday, 20 January 2014

Canada's Prime Minister Arrives in Israel, & Israel-haters Target Canadian Musician Neil Young

 As we see in this footage, Canada's staunchly pro-Israel prime minister Stephen Harper has arrived in Israel to a deservedly warm welcome (a "rock-star welcome" as one Canadian newspaper described it):

Coincidentally, the announcement that Canadian-born, US-based singer-songwriter Neil Young of Crazy Horse fame is to perform in Tel Aviv in July has led to the BDS fanatics springing into action, with their usual invective against Israel that takes absolutely no account of Arab rejectionism and terrror tactics against Israel in perpetrating and perpetuating the conflict, nor of Israel's legitimate security requirements.

Thus, in support of the alleged "indigenous" people of Palestine, an Open Letter (complete with footnotes from Israel-demonising sources) has been addressed to the veteran musician; it reads in part:
"Many of your fans, including our organization DPAI [Don't Play Apartheid Israel], are concerned about the recent announcement that you plan to perform to a segregated audience in July 2014 in what is an apartheid state:  Israel. 
We sincerely ask that you reconsider your commitment to promoter Shuki Weiss  who serves the interests of the state of Israel, providing select Israeli officials with VIP tickets to concerts he promotes. 
Israel truly stands apart on the world stage as an exclusivist, ethnocentric, settler-colonial state, with a powerful military and extensive political reach.  Backed unconditionally and delivered impunity by the USA, Canada and the EU, Israel continues with its slow, gradual genocide against the Palestinian people who are indigenous to the land.... 
People of conscience, including musicians, are feeling the substantial, persuasive moral weight to act urgently, ethically - and clearly, BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) is an effective, powerful means to end Israel’s impunity and make it accountable for its illegal actions.
At this time, we ask you to not cross the Palestinian picket line.  We sincerely hope that soon, you will perform in a state that offers total equality in citizenship to both Palestinians (refugees included) and Jews in Israel.  Sadly, that state does not exist, yet. 
....Israel was established in 1948, as an exclusively Jewish state, after over 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their homes and land. For over 65 years, the Israeli government has used both ‘legal’ and arbitrary force against the indigenous people who still remained in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and who now comprise almost half (5 million) of the population which Israel controls. Today, Palestinians are the largest and longest suffering group of refugees in the world. One in three refugees world wide is Palestinian, making up a 7.2 million refugee population worldwide....
The cultural boycott really stepped up after the assault on Gaza and then Israel’s attack on the Freedom Flotilla in 2010.  As the lead ship, the Mavi Marmara [owned by the Islamic charity IHH, which is alleged to have terrorist connections], was changing course and heading away from Israel at high speed, Israeli commandos killed nine volunteers at close-range, execution-style. [See the true facts here and in the video below the present paragraph] This murder took place in International waters.  Many highly respected musicians cancelled their concerts in Israel, or became outspoken in favor of the boycott. 
 Recently the American Studies Association (ASA) voted to join the academic boycott of apartheid Israel, a move that the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) followed up with a similar declaration of support for BDS, stating: “As the elected council of an international community of Indigenous and allied non-Indigenous scholars, students, and public intellectuals who have studied and resisted the colonization and domination of Indigenous lands via settler state structures throughout the world, we strongly protest the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and the legal structures of the Israeli state that systematically discriminate against Palestinians and other Indigenous peoples....
Mr. Young, please respect the boycott, and make it known you will not play in Israel while it is an apartheid state and an oppressed people have called for solidarity and for artists not to cross their picket line.
We are a group, of over 1400 members, representing many nations around the globe, who believe that it is essential for musicians &other artists to heed the call of the PACBI [see here], and join in the boycott of Israel. This is essential in order to work towards justice for the Palestinian people under occupation, and also in refugee camps and in the diaspora throughout the world."


  1. Strange how the " slow gradual genocide" has -in their own words- managed to produce "the of refugees in the world". A genocide that actually results in a radically increased population is certainly a very slow & gradual one indeed...

    1. Yes, that is odd isn't it? How like this is to what happened to the Jewish population of Warsaw, to which they still (if they are feeling particularly stupid) they still compare Gaza.

      BTW, how many people (apart from us, that is) remember the Commission that cleared Israel of wrongdoing after the Mari Mavara "peace" flotilla incident. Isn't it strange how the BDS mob always forget that?


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