Sunday, 15 December 2013

Roger Waters: A meeting of minds

In the course of a must-read article here, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach observes of the Pink Floyd frontman's recent despicable comparison of Israel to Nazi Germany:
'Roger Waters’ balderdash about rabbis believing that non-Jews are subhumans is the dirtiest of blood libels and contradicts the core teachings of the Torah which states in its very first chapter, Genesis 1, that every human being is created equally in the image of God.
And surely, even someone with as rancid a heart as Mr. Waters, is familiar with what Christians call Jesus’s Golden rule, but which is actually found much earlier, in the Hebrew Bible, the commandment to “Love your fellow man as yourself” (Leviticus 19.17), which Hillel, in the Talmud, interpreted to mean, “That which you hate do not do unto others.”
Perhaps Mr. Waters should take Hillel’s advice. Stop maligning a people who have paid a terrible price for the kind of abominable lies that people like Roger Waters unjustly hurl.'
There's been more lambasting of Waters' remarks, as reported here

Waters' vile analogy has been criticised even by that inveterate knocker of Israel, the Reverend Stephen Sizer: on Facebook (hat tip: reader P) some of Sizer's followers are overtly aghast at this unexpected observation of his:

Meanwhile, as seen in this report, there seems to be a paralysing split, regarding goals, between Palestinian Islamists and secular nationalists, and there's a triumphalist article by Omar Barghouti, daddy of the BDS movement, about recent triumphs for BDS here


  1. I worked in a top security prison in the North East a good while back.
    Serious lifers with crimes you`d not begin to ask about.
    And-oddly enough-to a man...great fans of Waters!...that "hitchhiking" LP of his as I recall.
    Serious misogyny abounded...and sense his anti-Semitic crap will ensure a few plays at Friday Prayers in Feltham.
    Waters is a particular caricature of the depressed, cynical, bitter and over fed English in his loathing of Israel...would have been one of Mosleys as far as I can see.

  2. Even Abbas is against BDS
    Mahmoud Abbas says "no" to BDS in South Africa

    Omar Barghouti attacks Abbas for not having a mandate, but who elected Omar to anything?

    Waters is a 70 year old multimillionaire, charging $300 a ticket to watch him, on a giant video screen, whine about his dead daddy.


  3. Sizer may have changed his mind again - see the end of this post:


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