Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Monitoring Church Campaigns Against Israel

In old Europe, Easter was the traditional time for assault on the Jews: as is well-known, many a pogrom took place around that time, stoked by the canard that Jews killed Jesus.

These days, it seems to be Christmas that's the traditional time for an all-out assault upon the Jews, in the form of the Jewish State.  As I remarked here, Yuletide sees an intensification of that Open Season on Israel that takes place throughout the year.

This Israel-hating gimmick outside St James's Church, Piccadilly (photo taken by the intrepid Richard Millett; see more about it from him here), cost several thousand pounds.

I understand that the money for the erection of this eight-metre high replica of the separation barrier that keeps Israelis safe from suicide bombers was provided by the controversial charity Interpal among other sponsors, who of course might have put their funds to worthier use.

St James's, Piccadilly is well-known for its anti-Israel initiatives at the "Season of Goodwill".

It's  participated with gusto in the grotesque politicisation of much-loved traditional carols (an enterprise in which Methodist minister Dr Stephen Leah, secretary of the York PSC, has played a large part):

'A crude anti-Zionist parody of the Christmas Carol "Once in Royal David's City" will be sung in the Wren church of St James's, Piccadilly, later this month as part of an "alternative service of lessons and carols" protesting against Israeli policies towards Palestine.

This is the text of the parody:

Once in royal David's city
Stood a big apartheid wall;
People entering and leaving
Had to pass a checkpoint hall.
Bethlehem was strangulated,
And her children segregated.

Though this city is a symbol
To the world of peace and love,
Concrete walls have closed around her,
Settlements expand above.
And apartheid Israel stands
All around on stolen lands.

.... Whatever your views on Palestine, allowing a historic church and a much-loved carol to be used to disseminate political propaganda is indefensible, and a tremendous insult to Christians....' (So wrote the Daily Telegraph's Damian Thompson in 2008).

And of course it's not the only one to stage anti-Israel Yuletide fests.  It's hard to forget the carol service at Bloomsbury Baptist Church in 2009 (Professor Geoffrey Alderman wrote hard-hittingly about it here) which attracted this antisemite.

As for the Methodists and anti-Israel activity, there's a really great piece here

All this is depressing, but I'm pleased, at any rate, to see that there's a new website that monitors church-generated vilification of and activity against Israel:
"BDS in the Pews is a project of NGO Monitor.  It examines the role of churches, Christian aid societies, and faith-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in political campaigns against Israel.  This site provides analysis of the activities and funding of these groups, as well as their grantees, in the context of demonization and delegitimization campaigns...."
This is a website that I for one will certainly bookmark.

Update: A great post from Robin Shepherd here 
Further update: And one from Edgar Davidson here


  1. 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do'

    This video is extremely graphic, it's of the massacre of Christians in Baghdad on Christmas Day.

    1. Heart-wrenching. Yet it's Israel on which so many Christians vent their wrath.

  2. These useful idiots don't seem to care about the dire plight of Christians I'm Muslim countries . Their only problem is Jews !! Hate fills their psychopathic and deranged thoughts to the extent that there is no room for rationality. They are poisoned and are determined to spread their poison any which way. The real problems that their co religionists face do not even merit a mention . Perhaps because they maybe not of white colour and not British. Surely they can't be racist or are they!!

  3. Christians, LGBT activists and feminists all vent their anger on the only state in the Middle East in which they are guaranteed equal rights and justice . Oh and let's not forget "Academics" , at least those who claim to be academic but in fact never do the research that one would expect someone who claims that title would be required to do.


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