Sunday, 1 December 2013

A Nod To The Knavehearts

While reports such as this (here's a photographic one from the camera of an old mate of ours) from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign's big lobby of MPs on 26 November trickle onto the internet, Israel-bashers at the University of the West of England and in Dundee are celebrating their respective triumphs, the adoption of a BDS motion at the UWE  and  the caving in of the Dundee city council to a year-long campaign by forces hostile to Israel demanding that a street in the city should be named after Nablus, with which Dundee has been twinned since November 1980.

And who was instrumental that twinning? Why, Dundee native George Galloway, as this Guardian profile tells:
"Born in Dundee in 1954 into a socialist family, Galloway developed his lifelong passion for the Middle East after a chance meeting with a young Palestinian. He was 23, the organiser of the Dundee Labour party and a rising star. The young man dropped into his office to plead the cause of his people, and Galloway was converted. He visited a Palestinian refugee camp and twinned Dundee with the West Bank town of Nablus, flying the Palestinian flag over Dundee town hall."
There are already streets in Dundee named for  the city's twins Orleans and Würzburg.  But naming streets in their honour is hardly laced with malice aforethought and political divisiveness.

Some background on the proposal, which originally aimed to rename a specific street, Cross Row, from the council's website:
'In accordance with the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 the proposal was advertised in the local press on 3rd May, 2013. One objection was received following this advertisement. The objection was on the grounds of losing an established street name with a long history. The objector had no issues with naming a street after the twinning ...
West End Community Council submitted an objection to the proposal on the grounds that there are existing addresses from Cross Row, including the University Chaplaincy, and while WECC accept that the name Cross Row has no religious significance it is felt that it would be inappropriate to name this street Nablus Place. WECC has no objection to the use of Nablus as a street name in Dundee in recognition of the twinning....
 No comment was received from the Dundee University Chaplaincy.
 It should be noted that the Dundee University Chaplaincy describes itself as “multi cultural” and welcomes students “whoever you are and wherever you come from”.
Support for the proposal was received from the Dundee Nablus Twinning Association (DNTA) ...
No other objections were received and no comment was received from Dundee University....'
To quote a jubilant press release:
"Dundee University Action Palestine Society (DUAPS) responded with joy to the decision of Dundee City Council’s City Development Committee on Monday 25th November to allocate the street name of ‘Nablus Avenue’ to an existing un-named street within the city, close to Ninewells Hospital.
The street naming comes after over a year of lobbying by the Society, working in collaboration with the Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association....
Society President Patrick Durnin welcomed the decision, noting that it was made almost 33 years to the day since Dundee District Council voted to twin with Nablus in spite of fierce opposition, and in the same week that the UN declared 2014 to be ‘International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’.
The street-naming itself has not been without controversy, with Scottish Friends of Israel, a small pro-Israel group without any known presence in Dundee, vociferously opposing a previous suggestion by the Society to name a street on the University campus after Dundee’s twin city...."
More anti-Israel propaganda in Dundee can be glimpsed seen on LibDem Councillor Fraser MacPherson's blog here


  1. I don't want to be ageist, but looking at that audience photo, a cold winter would wipe them out. They really are the last of the socialist true believers.

    As Jewishpress points out, under Jordanian and Egyptian rule there were no universities.
    Pre-"Occupation," No Universities at all
    Amer Studies Assoc May Boycott Israeli Univs, Reveal Ignorance

    Re UN
    A nice bit of satire from Elder: News from the year 2063

    Always worth a repost at this time of year.
    The truth about Christians in Bethlehem

  2. there is the same sort of thing in Aberdeen up the coast further north


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