Thursday, 28 November 2013

More BDS Malignancy Among Academics

To quote from an op ed by BDSer David Lloyd, Distinguished Professor of English at University of Southern California, on the monstrous Electronic Intifada website:
'Something extraordinary happened on Saturday evening at the American Studies Association’s annual meeting in Washington, DC.
At a packed open meeting called by the ASA’s National Executive Council to discuss a resolution to “endorse and honor” the Palestinian call for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions, speaker after speaker rose to express strong support for the resolution.
They urged the council to vote on it without further delay or deferral....
Out of 44 speakers, whose names were submitted in writing and then drawn at random from a box, 37 spoke in favor of the boycott. They ranged from senior professors to graduate students and even undergraduate members of the association. All recalled the association’s fundamental commitment to the study and critique of racism and the US histories of imperialism and settler colonialism.
Many made the connection between Israel as a settler colony and US complicity in politically and materially supporting its colonial projects. In doing so, several remarked that they were members of the association because its commitment to anti-racist and anti-colonial scholarship made it especially hospitable to their work. For them, the connection was self-evident between anti-racist work within the United States and solidarity work with the victims of a settler colonial project that has the fullest support of the United States.
Over and over, speakers refuted the charge that endorsing the boycott is a contradiction that engages in limiting academic freedom in the name of academic freedom. They pointed out that this assertion is simply false, in the face of a campaign of misrepresentation [which] implied that the boycott targets individuals on account of their national belonging or identity.
If anything, the resolution stands to further academic freedom — in particular that of Palestinians whose access to normal scholarly life is continually infringed by occupation, blockade, collective punishment in the form of school closures, and the denial of the fundamental right to travel. No Israeli scholar would be denied the right to express or publish an opinion, attend a conference, do research, or travel wherever they wished....But the most significant thing about this event was that already it showed that engaging in the boycott, and even in discussion of the boycott, is an extension of academic freedom....'
More to read on that sorry saga here
And on the vile Mondoweiss website here

Meanwhile, an "own goal" from a committed BDSer in Britain, a person of Jewish origin (I'm told) whose frequent postings against Israel on Facebook are often breathtaking in their viciousness.

Shortly after posting this

he posted this

(For more academic malignancy see my next post)


  1. If these ASA clowns hate America so much, why don't they boycott themselves? In the world beyond the faculty lounge, it's US Universities that are breaking ties with Pally terror schools. First Brandeis then Syracuse University, now George Washington.
    GW Med School: Al-Quds Exchanges ‘Would Need to be Evaluated’ After Nazi-Style Rally

  2. I would call them at their bluff. Pull 100% of all academic research from Israel or Israelis out of the US immediately. Kick all US academics out of Israel immediately. Shut down all medical and scientific research in the US that involves Israel immediately. Cancel all intellectual property agreements between Israel and all US academic institutions immediately.

    Then compile a list of all such technologies great and small and demand that all US academic institutions and individuals notarize and sign it as a legal document attesting they will never partake or take advantage or consume a single bit of it even if it means they have to abandon goods and services they've come to rely on. Then print up that list with the names of everyone who's signed it and the names of those who have not and advertise it.

    Impossible you say? Go ask the Christian Scientists how many organ transplants and cancer treatments they've undergone. BDStards should have at least the courage of their own convictions that these people do.

  3. OT
    Shocking, a pro-Israel article at Al Guardian, note the comments.
    Australia is right to challenge the UN’s anti-Israel bias
    The consequences of the UN’s one-sidedness against Israel are grave. For one, it is a disservice both to Israel and the Palestinian cause. A complex struggle for national self-determination by two peoples over a territory less than half the size of Tasmania, has seen the Palestinians cast as victims, and Israel depicted as the brute. As a result, the world overlooks the true causes of the conflict, and by logical extension, is unable to see the solutions.
    For example, the EU recently found that the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah had squandered close to €2bn of aid from European taxpayers; aid intended to build Palestinian institutions, enfranchise the people, elevate their quality of life. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Al-Quds University is reported to have staged a Nuremberg-style rally by members of the Islamic Jihad terrorist organisation, replete with black uniforms and Nazi salutes. Yet such issues concerning incitement and mismanagement, which strike at the heart of why the Palestinians’ national goals remain unfulfilled, are routinely overlooked by the UN.

    The SMH think all Jews are extras from Fiddler on the Roof
    Aussie Paper Publishes Photo, Caricatures Jews

    1. Thanks as usual, Ian - will be sure to check those out!

  4. A minor but important correction. The loathsome David Lloyd is at the University Southern California, not the University of California as indicated above. As he is described by one of his colleagues at USC:


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