Tuesday, 19 November 2013

"France ... Will Do Everything For Peace & For The Safety Of Israel"

France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has won his country praise and affection among Israelis for his part in scuppering John Kerry's proposed deal with Iran in the nick of time.

The feel good factor has extended to French President François Hollande's official visit to Israel, with Netanyahu telling him:
"All of Israel is following your arrival with feelings of love and honest friendship. We respect your stance that a nuclear weapon in Iranian hands poses a danger not only to Israel but to the whole world."
As reported here by Moran Azulay, President Hollande, visiting the Israeli legislature, heard Netanyahu declare:
"In this House I said a few times that I accept the solution of two states for two people, within the frame of real peace, and the resolution of the conflict… Not every member of the Knesset ... agrees with these statements but on one matter most of us are united – for the peace to be real it must be two-way.
You cannot ask Jews to recognize a Palestinian national state without demanding Palestinians recognize a national state for the Jewish People.
 I call Abu Mazen from here: Let's break the freeze, come to the Knesset, I'll come to Ramallah. Come to this stage and recognize the historical truth – the Jews have a connection of close to 4,000 years to the land of Israel.
 The Jews have the right to self-determination,  and in a true peace Palestinian demands of Israel will end ..."

 President Hollande pledged that
"I will always remain a friend of Israel ....
France will not .... concede, and it will do everything for peace and for the safety of Israel.  As long as we are not entirely sure that Iran gave up on a nuclear weapons – we will keep our stance"

 He went on:
".... I come to say in Israel, in the name of France: The friendship between us is firm, more than the passing leaders who come and go, and even more than ups and downs of international life.... [Iran] is a country which itself is the product of a long and magnificent history. We have nothing against the Iranian people, it deserves civil nuclear energy, but we cannot accept that they will have a nuclear weapon because it poses a threat to Israel and other countries in the region and we all know that well: It is a danger to the world....
 I say here in a clear manner that we will continue with the sanctions as long as we are not certain that there is an unequivocal concession by Iran of its nuclear military program."
There is more here
Hat tip:  Jean Vercors
And here

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