Friday, 1 November 2013

Apartheid? Academic Boycott? Lyons' Share Of The Truth

All praise to The Australian's Middle East correspondent John Lyons for his exclusive article ("Inside Jerusalem's university of freedom") in today's edition of that, the most consistently pro-Israel of antipodean newspapers, which begins:
'On a hilltop overlooking Jerusalem, three men gather in a mosque for prayers. Once they have taken off their shoes and gathered behind each other, they turn to Mecca and one gives the cry "Allahu Akbar!" - God is great.
Such scenes take place every evening around Jerusalem but there's something different about this mosque - it's in the middle of Hebrew University. The mosque has been set up in one of the university's bomb shelters.
About 30m away is the Hecht synagogue.
Those wanting to question Hebrew University's tolerance credentials as part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign, such as Sydney University academics Jake Lynch and Stuart Rees, have picked the wrong target.
Walking around the campus one sees a multicultural atmosphere as diverse as any university in Australia, if not more so.
The Hebrew University was thrust into the centre of a political storm this week after proponents of the BDS campaign against Israel said the institution was closely linked to the Israeli military and the ongoing occupation of the West Bank....'
Read the whole article here


  1. An improvement on his prior piece some days ago essentially blaming Israel prospectively for the inevitable collapse of the talks.

  2. There's a paywall at The Australian.............

    1. If you search the title you will come up with the entire article I do it all the time

  3. Note how in turning to face Mecca, they turn their backs to the al Aqsa mosque. The place that they claim is so holy that Jews must not pollute it with their presence...

  4. A Bedouin tells the truth about the Prawer Plan.

    The Bedouin in the Negev: Hoping for Change
    Kamel Abu Nadi is a 45-year-old Bedouin from the Negev, in southern Israel, who raises camels and sells their high-quality milk to distributors all over Israel. Abu Nadi has called for change in the Bedouin society of the Negev, hoping for progress. He believes that the Israeli government's new plan of community and economic development in the Bedouin community - if implemented correctly - might bring about dramatic change in the quality of life of the Negev's Bedouin and lay the foundation for a better future for their children.


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