Wednesday, 6 November 2013

A War By Any Other Means ...

Press TV, propaganda organ of the conspicuously discriminatory regime that runs Iran,yet for some strange reason manifestly not boycotted by Lauren Booth (pictured, with a certain old rogue in cardboard cut-out) and other ardent Western champions of BDS against Israel, reports:
'The UK-conspired Balfour Declaration that led to the creation of the racist regime of Israel on the rubble of occupied Palestine has been condemned by the Palestinian Authority (PA) as “a crime against humanity.”
The declaration by Britain’s then Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour on November 2, 1917, read that his government considered “with favor the establishment in Palestine a national home for the Jewish people”. More than 30 years later, the Israeli regime was created and installed in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
On the occasion of the 96th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, the Palestinian Ministry of Information issued a statement stressing that “since 1917, the Palestinian people are paying the price of the biggest political crime in contemporary history.”
The Palestinian ministry described the declaration as “a mark of shame on humanity.”
The declaration “began the Zionists’ process of ethnically cleansing the Palestinians from their homeland, which continues until today,” the statement said.
“Britain and the entire world must recognize the usurped Palestinian rights because everything that has befallen Palestine - it’s partition, the aggression, the suppression, the settlements, the arrests, the separation wall, the siege on Gaza, and the millions of Palestinians living in exile - was made possible because of the Balfour Declaration”, it added.
The Palestinian Fatah movement led by Mahmoud Abbas censured the British-engineered declaration as “an infamous and illegal promise” that has brought misery to the Palestinians.
The movement said Britain and other supporters of Israel were responsible for “racist and Zionist crimes.”
Fatah said that “the Palestinian people are determined to get all their rights and to liberate their homeland from Israeli occupation and Jewish settlers.”
It called upon Britain to apologize and make amends for the crimes committed against Palestine because of the declaration.'
It is almost certainly no accident that this latest propagandistic onslaught against the Zionist Entity by those who have failed to defeat Israel by force of arms resembles the massive propagandistic onslaught against Israel contained in the so-called Balfour Project, the website of which -- registered in the name of Stephen Sizer, I've been told, and whether my informant is right or wrong Sizer's certainly a prime mover behind the Project-- now informs us that the Project (which has been actively crusading retrospectively against the Balfour Declaration for some time now, holding conferences and gathering material, and is of course gearing up for the Declaration's centenary in 2017)
 "seeks to mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration by:
 acknowledgement of Britain’s actions at the time of the Balfour Declaration and throughout the Mandate, and particularly the deceit surrounding our nation’s true intentions;
 pardon for our nation’s wrongdoing
    - from Palestinians for having intentionally ignored their legitimate aspirations and from Jews for our part in the centuries of anti-Semitism.

     integrity in our nation’s future dealings with Jews, Palestinians, and all peoples.

Watch out for the sting in their tail.

Update: see also Richard Millett's blog here and Dave Rich's blog here on the Community Security Trust site.


  1. It's all terribly stupid and bizarre. They can't uninvent Israel so they march around screaming about a vague agreement that predates Israel by 30 years and try to uninvent that. We should uninvent Mohammed.

    1. I understand that a rabbi who had defended Sizer against the antisemitism charge drew the line at joining their grubby little exercise - that must have been a blow to them.


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