Wednesday, 20 November 2013

"A Legal Victory Will Present A Great Opportunity To Spread The Boycott Campaign Among Australian Academics"

A poster boy from Sussex Friends of Israel
BDS advocate Jake Lynch, Associate Professor of Peace Journalism and Director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney, is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment, and the chief advisor for TRANSCEND Media Service-TMS. In an online article on the latter's site he's written a detailed article about the lawsuit he's facing from ShuratHaDin and the background to the case:
"The right of academics in Australia to join the boycott of Israel is under threat from Shurat HaDin, an Israeli law centre that has filed suit against me in the Federal Court, under anti-discrimination laws. The ‘Originating application starting a representative proceeding’ accuses me of ‘acts which involve distinction, exclusion, restriction and preference based on the Israeli national and ethnic origin’ and ‘based on the Jewish race’ of ‘goods, services, persons and organisations’.
The court paper is notable, however, for its sparsity in the use of specifics, about what I actually have said and done. I chaired a public meeting at the University of Sydney in 2009, in response to ‘Operation Cast Lead’, the attack on Gaza months earlier. ... Julia Gillard, then Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister ... characterised the attack as no more than ‘Israel exercising its right to defend itself’, and weeks later led a high-level political and business deputation to Tel Aviv.
 Australian diplomacy was positioning itself on the extreme pro-Israeli fringe of world political opinion. In November 2010, by which time Gillard had toppled Rudd and taken his job, Australia was one of just seven countries to oppose a motion at the UN General Assembly, condemning ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem. So, the public meeting at the University was dominated by discussion about what we, the public, could do, to compensate for the dangerous posturing coming out of Canberra....
.....We are gearing up for a vigorous contest in court, and keeping up the pressure to push back political interference with decisions on research funding. A legal victory will present a great opportunity to spread the boycott campaign among Australian academics. My hunch is that there is a large potential constituency, silenced up to now by fear. Our job is to dispel that fear." [Emphasis added]
 Meanwhile (how sweet it is!) read about some spectacular BDS own goals here


  1. “We [Israel] possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are 22 targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.” I consider it all hopeless at this point. . . Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.” - Martin van Creveld, Zionist Jew

    1. This clown was banned at EoZ for posting repetitive rubbish with a fake email

  2. OT
    Unelected incompetent corrupt weasel Bob Carr doubles down Labor's pandering to terrorists.
    "Australian stance is not the action of a true friend of Israel"

    Apparently "friends" tie you down and serve you up to barbarians to be slaughtered.

    In BDS fail news Brandeis finds out it's not a good idea to partner with Nazis.
    Brandeis cuts ties with Al Quds University

  3. What an exceptionally unpleasant person is Bob Carr. You can tell that from just looking at him. He just does not get it. He never will.

    To invoke "international law" against the only state in the Middle East that has any respect whatsoever for any concept of the rule of law, as it is understood in our civilisations, is much more than terrible ignorance.

    It is something sinister.

  4. Daphne
    Please cut loose the anonymous BDS comment . It's fouling up a fine post

    1. If I delete it now Ian's reply will also disappear, so I'll keep it as an example of antisemitic sickness, Harvey. I believe the poster is based in Germany.
      I also received a rather nasty comment on this post, which I also let stand as an example of a particular mindset.
      Normally, though, I'm a more zealous gatekeeper.

  5. Lynch is correct in one point. A loss, on any grounds, will be a major blow against us.


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