Thursday, 24 October 2013

Stephen Sizer On "The Art Of Spin"

As a postscript to my previous post (which contains updates) regarding the outcome of the Board of Deputies' complaint against Stephen Sizer, please note that the Board of Deputies has the Conciliation report and linked material on its website, introduced thus by Board vice-president Jonathan Arkush:
'A year ago I concluded that the Board had to take action against Rev Stephen Sizer, a Church of England Minister, because of his growing habit of publishing material that we regarded as antisemitic and also his linking to racist websites.  The Defence & Group Relations Division fully supported the action. We took the decision to initiate a formal disciplinary complaint under Church law with deep reluctance, as we believed that nothing less would bring home to Rev Sizer the damage being caused to Christian Jewish relations and to the good name of our community by his actions. As far as I am aware, the community has never before made such a complaint. I hope that it will never have to do so again. 
The complaint had to be addressed to the Bishop for Dr Sizer's diocese, who held that there was a case to answer, and exercised his powers to recommend that the parties attempt to resolve the complaint by a conciliation process in the first instance, in order to avoid a full hearing.  The Board agreed. 
I am pleased to announce that the Conciliation process has produced terms agreed with Rev Sizer that have resolved the complaint.  Please read below the Board's press statement issued today, with links to the original complaint and supporting information.  This should be read with the statement below from the Diocese and the conciliation report that was signed by myself on behalf of the Board and by Rev Sizer.
I hope you will agree that this represents a good outcome for the Board and the community.  We must also hope that Rev Sizer and those in similar positions of responsibility will in the future exercise more care to avoid slipping into antisemitic discourse and recommending material on racist websites. Often I have to report on negative developments affecting our community. On this occasion I am pleased to be able to share good news.'
The Reverend Sizer's reaction:

Well, well.  Just fancy that.


  1. How very very gentlemanly. How come I feel a little sick right now? Meanwhile websites run by Anglican clerics in Australia and the UK continue to spew what can only be described as among the most vicious anti-Israel war propaganda that is out there.

    But they are not antisemites. Sure.

  2. Hello Daphne. Instead of spending so much time attacking Israel it would be nice to see Mr Sizer sticking up for persecuted Christians in Iran like these four people. I'm surprised he goes on Press TV when Christians are treated like this in Iran.

  3. We can but dream, Veronica.
    Thanks for the link - very sad.


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