Friday, 4 October 2013

Old Irish Trot Slugs A Left Hook (Or Three) At Israel

An old Trotskyite from the Emerald Isle, where hatred of Israel is particularly vicious, especially among those who support and supported the Republican cause against the British, has perniciously denounced the Zionist Entity in an op-ed in The Irish Times, entitled "It is the everyday harassment that shows the hatred behind official Israeli ideology".

Battle of Bogside veteran Eamonn McCann credits the influence of a deceased Irish journalist called Mary Holland, who (though he doesn't volunteer the fact) just happens to have been his partner and the mother of two of his children:
"As soon as you walked out of the hotel, she recalled, you could see something was terribly wrong. Arabs shrinking back on the pavements to allow Jews to pass, being literally, physically pushed out of their way if they didn’t move fast enough, and, worst of all in her account, the Arabs’ heads-down acceptance of it all." 

McCann (read more about him here), who also cites the influence of, among others, the repellent Tony Cliff (born in Eretz Israel as Yigael Gluckstein) writes of "the settled hatred that lies at the heart of Israel’s official ideology" and confidently predicts Israel's "downfall in the end".

Courtesy: Jean Vercors
I guess, then, he and his ilk will be glad to see the back of "settled hatred" such as this and  this

And this:

More Zionist reflections on the old Irish Trot here and here

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