Wednesday, 9 October 2013

France's Jerusalem Consulate Big-Notes A Terrorist

In 1961 the then French President General de Gaulle received the then Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion warmly in Paris.  According to the Jewish Telegraphical Agency (JTA), the two men
'were reported by official sources to have reached “complete understanding on all subjects” during 70 minutes of conversations today.
It was understood that the two leaders had reviewed Franco-Israel relations as well as France’s attitude to Middle East problems which may come up at the next General Assembly, opening in September, at which the problem of the Arab refugees will be reviewed again....
The French President said Israel is France’s “friend and ally” and assured Israel of “our solidarity. ” He made this statement in a toast to Israel during the luncheon at Elysee Palace.... Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel’s Foreign Minister, and Shimon Peres, Deputy Defense Minister, were among those invited to the event.
“In the world in which we live, it is useful that men of goodwill should meet to find common ground,” Gen. de Gaulle declared. “This is what has happened to us once again. This is true in all respects and particularly in those matters which concern Israel, whose worth and grandeur we all know. We also know of Israel’s difficulties and preoccupations, ” the French leader added. “We want to assure you of our solidarity and friendship. We greet Israel, our friend and ally.” ....'
Reported the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) on 30 November 1967:
'President Charles de Gaulle’s attack on Israel and his animadversions against the Jewish people in the course of his press conference last Monday continued today to generate a furor here.
Grand Rabbi of France Jacob Kaplan charged today that President de Gaulle has given “the highest possible sanction” to a possible wave of anti-Semitic discrimination by the bitter attack he leveled against Israel and the Jewish people in the course of his press conference last Monday. Rabbi Kaplan made his charge following two days of consultation among the leaders of France’s major Jewish organizations.
In order to shore up his denunciation of Israel as an aggressor, the General attributed to the Jewish people a secular inclination to domination, Dr. Kaplan said. “Does Gen. de Gaulle not run the risk of taking a dangerous lead and of giving the highest possible sanction to a campaign of discrimination? In the face of Israel’s trials in her fight for survival and security, French Judaism declares its solidarity with (Israel) and supports (Israel’s) efforts in favor of a fair and lasting peace.”
Gen. de Gaulle had said in his press conference that the Jews were “at all times an elite people, sure of itself and dominating.” He used the French word “dominateur” which, according to the leading French-English dictionary is defined as “domineering, overbearing.” (The official translation of the statement, distributed in New York by the French Embassy press service, also used the word “dominating.”
Many prominent Frenchmen, including members of Gen. de Gaulle’s party, took issue with him today and demonstrated their sympathy for Israel and for the Jewish community.
Former Prime Minister Guy Mollet, who served under Gen. de Gaulle as a Cabinet minister, called a press conference today in the name of his Democratic and Socialist Federation to denounce de Gaulle’s policies in the Middle East and his attack on Israel. M. Mollet charged that de Gaulle “smelled the oil of the Middle East” and that interested him, “but not the future of peace in the area nor the fate of a martyr-nation.”....'
In contrast to 1956, when Mollet's government had cooperated with Israel's (and Britain's) in the Suez Affair, France's relations with Israel were decidedly sour, and those of us who remember the 1960s and 1970s will recall the essentially Arabist stance of the Quai d'Orsay.

Alas. It would seem that the then-pervasive Arabist stance lives on in sections of France's Corps Diplomatique.

In an article in French here entitled "Le Consulat de France à Jérusalem met à l’honneur une Moujahidin palestinienne" Jean Vercors, who by now is no stranger to regular readers of my blog, relates a disturbing example.  Thanks to Jean, there is also an English version of his article, which I reproduce below without further comment: 
French Consulate in Jerusalem celebrates culture ... of Palestinian terror.
 Jean Vercors

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 Here's what you can read on the website of the French consulate in Jerusalem :
July 2013, "On the occasion of the recent publication of Leila Khaled’s book, an icon of Palestinian liberation, the author Sarah Irving and researcher Diana Butto, we will draw a portrait of this extraordinary woman ."  [Juillet 2013, "A l’occasion de la récente parution du livre Leila Khaled, une icône de la libération palestinienne, l’auteur Sarah Irving et la chercheuse Diana Butto, nous dessineront le portrait de cette femme hors du commun."
Patrick Girard, Director of the IFJ : French Institute of Jerusalem Chateaubriand gives us the opportunity to show us the journey of this heroic resistant named Leila Khaled.
But who is that Palestinian Arab woman?
Leila Khaled (Arabic: ليلى خالد‎, Arabic pronunciation: [ˈlajla ˈxaːled]; born April 9, 1944) is a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and a convicted airline hijacker who was later released in a prisoner exchange for civilian hostages kidnapped by her fellow PFLP members.
She is currently a member of the Palestinian National Council. She has been called the "poster girl of Palestinian militancy."
Khaled came to public attention for her role in a 1969 hijacking and one of four simultaneous hijackings the following year as part of the Black September timeline.
For the Palestinian Arabs, the BDS movement, the Communists and the Greens, she is considered a heroine (precisely because she killed Israeli civilians)
Leila Khaled became known in 1969 by becoming the first woman to hijack a plane and the following year by diverting another.
At age 15 , she joined the Arab Nationalist Movement (ANM ) by Georges Habash founder and former Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) classified terrorist by many countries.
Leila Khaled is one of the most notorious terrorists of the early Palestinian Arab terrorism.
On August 29, 1969, Khaled was part of a team that hijacked TWA Flight 840 on its way from Rome to Athens, diverting the Boeing 707 to Damascus.
This was, however, denied by Khaled and others. After this hijacking, and after a now famous picture of her  holding an AK-47 rifle and wearing a kaffiyeh was widely published, she underwent six plastic surgeries on her nose and chin to conceal her identity and allow her to take part in a future hijacking, and because she did not want to wear the face of an icon.
On September 6, 1970, Khaled attempted the hijack of El Al Flight 219 from Amsterdam to New York City as part of the Dawson's Field hijackings, a series of almost simultaneous hijackings carried out by the PFLP.
In December 2012, during a visit in Gaza she attended a glamorous red carpet event sponsored by Hamas.
In January 2013 , she told a Turkish newspaper "We support the Syrian army"
And now the French consulate in Jerusalem considering Leila Khaled  a woman noted for courage and daring action, is promoting this infamous terrorist (now novelist ) holding an AK-47 rifle and wearing a kaffiyeh  via the French Institute of Jerusalem, Cheateaubriand.
          Incroyable mais vrai !
         Jean Vercors
BTW : France is the country with the largest number of cultural centers in the West Bank and Gaza. (Nablus, Ramallah, Hebron, Gaza, the French alliance of Bethlehem, the cultural association of trade Hebron France)
Centre Culturel Français Chateaubriand, Directeur & Attaché Culturel : M Patrick Girard. Téléphone : 02 628 24 51 / Télécopie : 02 628 43 24. Courriel :

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