Monday, 28 October 2013

BDSers Target Charles Aznavour

If his performance in London's Albert Hall a few days ago is any indication,  soulful-eyed French singing legend Charles Aznavour, although very soon to turn ninety, still has what it takes to enthral an audience.

On 23 November his audience will be in Tel Aviv, at the Nokia Arena.

But not if Omar Barghouti's Palestine Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and its eager accomplices in the West have their way.  They want Monsieur Aznavour to cancel his plans.

That's despite the fact that, as the Jerusalem Post reported on 1 October, as soon as the French singer's impending visit was announced: "Aznavour will dedicate his trip to promoting the peace process and increasing public support for it." 

To quote another report, which noted Aznavour's friendship with Shimon Peres: 
 'Aznavour is arriving in Israel not just as a legendary singer, but also as Armenia's ambassador to Switzerland and its permanent representative at the United Nations.
According to a statement issued by Aznavour's office, his visit to the region will be dedicated to promoting the peace process and increasing public support for it. The singer was therefore officially invited for lunch at the President's Residence, and accepted the invitation.
Some of Aznavour's songs were translated into Hebrew over the years. In 2011 he was awarded the Hebrew University's Scopus Award for his contribution to Israel.'
Mindful of the sprightly nonagenarian's ethnic heitage, in addition to their  their usual demonic canard that Israel practises "Apartheid" some BDSers, at least, are attempting to tug at Aznavour's heartstrings by making a suggestive analogy between the Israel's policy towards the Palestinians on the one hand and Turkey's historic atrocities towards the Armenians on the other.

Here, in translation, is part of what a certain Isabelle, officially representing the BDS movement in France, has written to Monsieur Aznavour, c/o EMI records in Paris:
'In January 2011 you received the Scopus prize from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
In February 2011 Marie, a young Palestinian student, wrote you a fine letter in which she spoke about the suffering of the Palestinian people, the children's hopeless future, the forgotten lives, the stolen lands, the exile of so many men, women and children of Palestine.  She asked you to return that prize.... [L]ike us, she had read the words of your song for Armenia and seen in them the picture of martyred peoples like those of Palestine....
 We'd have liked the magnificent song you wrote for Armenia in 1968 to  have heralded your support to all the oppressed peoples, including the Palestinian people, and kept you from accepting the Scopus prize and from going to sing in Tel Aviv in November....
Mr Aznavour, don't go to sing in Israel.  Don't give your support to a government that ignores the rights of an entire people and subjects them to a policy of apartheid, as defined by the Russell Tribunal held in Cape Town in November 2011.  This is happening amidst the indifference of the international community.
Please take the path chosen by Stephen Hawking, Jean-Luc Godard, Gilles Vigneault, Vanessa Paradis and Dustin Hoffman, amongst others, who have refused to appear in Israel.
Please consider the significance of the commitment of personalities such as Desmond Tutu, Stéphane Hessel, Alice Walker, Ken Loach, Illan Pappe, Noam Chomsky, and so many others, who declared their support for the BDS (Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions) campaign against the policies of Israel'
More here

His heart, fortunately, seems to lie solidly with Israel, as glimpsed in this video of him expressing heartfelt gratitude to Israel for its humanitarian aid to Armenia during the devastating earthquake of December 1988, when Israel's emergency teams were the first to arrive there:


  1. Isn't it Aznavour not Azvanour?
    Charles Aznavour should meet with Omar Barghouti and his bully rabble, they need to smacked up the side of their heads for comparing people internally displaced (mainly voluntarily) with an actual genocide of 1.5 Mil.
    I'd like to see the BDS morons announce their official recognition of the Armenian Genocide. If they ever did, no more IHH flotillas.

  2. Oops! That was a bad one. Well spotted! Apologies for tardy posting of comments - having major problems with new computer.

  3. Bravo Charles. Sadly, as people who are old enough to have fully observed events of the last century die off, they are being replaced by assholes like Roger Waters.


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