Sunday, 1 September 2013

Telling Lies "Is Of Course Worse Than Being Wrong" Declares Galloway (video)

In an interview (regarding the parliamentary defeat of David Cameron's proposed military intervention in.Syria) on the anti-American channel "Russia Today" one of the channel's favourite talking heads, George Galloway, who as my previous post shows has been caught red-handed (if that's the appropriate word) lying to the House of Commons, declares quite frankly that deliberately telling lies "is of course worse than being wrong".

Showing contrition for the bare-faced porky he told fellow-MPs when the Honourable Member for Hendon tackled him regarding remarks he made implicating Israel in the recent nerve-gas attack on innocents in Syria?  (" If there has been a use of chemical weapons it was al-Qaeda who used chemical weapons. Who gave al-Qaeda chemical weapons? Here’s my theory: Israel gave them the chemical weapons so that they would use them so that they would bring the international community into the final destruction of Syria.")

Not a bit of it.

In the interview George was referring not to himself but to the "lies" of the "mainstream media and political class" regarding Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

(Note, by the way, his reference to the possible use of "chemical weapons" by "any regime faced with an existential threat to its existence".  Could that contain an oblique reference to the Zionist Entity, perhaps?)

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" goes the Ninth Commandment (Exodus 20:16).

Yet we already know that Britain's crusading anti-Zionist Anglican vicar the Reverend Dr Stephen Sizer thinks George's avowed theory that Israel supplied the chemical weapons used in Syria worthy of being taken seriously:

(What do you make of George's porky in the Commons, Stephen?)

And now (hat tip: reader Geoff) we know that Anglican priest Father Dave Smith, of Sydney, who like Sizer rarely misses an opportunity to hammer Israel hard, is of similar mind.

For on his blog "Father Dave" (as he likes to be known) declares:
"Personally, as one who considers Galloway a friend and a mentor, I find his theory entirely plausible"


  1. George Galloway and Stephen Sizer are both slimy propagandists for barbarians.

    Emails Disclose Galloway's Syrian Support
    "During a November 2005 speech at Damascus University, Galloway called Assad "the last Arab ruler, and Syria is the last Arab country. It is the fortress of remaining dignity of the Arabs." "Syria," he said in a separate appearance that July, "is lucky to have Bashar Al-Assad as her president."

    1. Interesting link. Thanks as always, Ian.

    2. OT
      Israeli documentary and its crew disinvited due to film festival’s setting in Dubai

      Their justification is outrageous

    3. I'm told Sizer has linked to this pretty piece on Facebook:

    4. Ahh good old Kevin Barrett, he also claimed the Boston Bombing was an Israeli plot.

      Maybe his 13 year old son is Mossad agent and that's why he assaulted him.

      BTW he ran for congress and got 2.3% of the vote.
      It's a CONSPIRACY!!!

  2. OT
    Another ABC fact-checking fail: Gaza and Breast Cancer

  3. Galloway is a malignant imbecile. When has he ever been right about anything?


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