Saturday, 10 August 2013

Showing Israel As The Beneficial Force It Is, Not How Ruthless Foes Portray It (videos)

"Israel is truly a nation of all its citizens," says this courageous young British Muslim, observing that the British media is slanted against Israel, and that the challenge is to present the reality of a vigorous liberal democracy:

How right he is.  It's an uphill struggle against the bizarre coalition of leftist and Islamic demonisers that plagues Britain in common with so much of the Western world.

Here, in the light of the challenge, is a short new video by the UK Zionist Federation, about the unstinting work it does to try to ensure a positive perception of Israel in the mind of a public fed so much negative propaganda by hostile elements:

As the video indicates, many people have had their eyes opened to the reality of Israel as a force for good in the world as a result of the Federation's efforts.

1 comment:

  1. OT
    Fairfax re-prints Thomas Friedman's error strewn drivel

    Daring to fail in the Middle East

    The corrections:
    The New York Times Tries to Smooth Over Tom Friedman's Incredible Blunders


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