Wednesday, 7 August 2013

In Londonistan, "We Are All Hezbollah!"

Drawing random cries of "Allahu Akhbar!", Ismail Sincere, described as "artist of the spoken world," takes a swipe at America, Britain, France, and, of course, Israel, before displaying his crowd-pleasing "art" outside the US Embassy in London on "Al Quds Day":

Iranian-born Sheikh Mohammed Saeed Bahmanpour, a UK-based Islamic writer and lecturer who apparently needed "no introduction" to the assemblage, attracts enthusiastic cries of"Allahu Akhbar!",  "We are all Hezbollah!", and wild cheers:

Nothing here as blatantly hostile as this bloodcurdling speech in Toronto, though, despite the sentiments of this Iranian bigwig.

One more:


  1. OT
    The Guardian wants your refugee story.
    "Do you have a compelling story to tell about the Jews who fled Arab or Muslim countries as refugees in the years following WWII? If so, The Guardian wants your story. Yes, I kid you not - The Guardian. Why? Because it does not feel it gave a fair shout to some refugees in its timeline by Mona Chalabi published recently (expertly ‘fisked’ by CiF Watch here). That timeline omitted 800,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries altogether. This is your chance to help set the record straight. But hurry – the deadline is in less than two weeks. Register as a commenter and write-up your story in no more than 250 words."

    1. No. They are not to be trusted do not assist them in their insane narrative for god knows what agenda. Moreover they are looking for people who specifically moved AFTER 1960 which means they won't be able find anyone, so it's essentially a sham. They want some suckers to sign up to be trotted out for what the Guardian has already said is to lambast 'the other Israelis' for being not nice to them when they came to Israel because ..... Jews are evil and mean and racist. No do not help them.


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