Thursday, 1 August 2013

In Australia, A Legal Challenge To BDS

A letter to the Director of the Investigation and Conciliation Service,  Australian Human Rights Commission, Sydney, regarding Professor Jake Lynch, Director of the University of Sydney's Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies, has been lodged as follows: 
"Re: Representative Complaint under Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Dear Sir,
Shurat HaDin—The Israel Law Center, an organisation dedicated to enforcing basic human rights through the legal system, represents victims of terrorism and other illegal anti-semitic activity incourtrooms around the world. Shurat HaDin was founded on the model of the Alabama based Southern Poverty Law Center - a non-profit legal center that over the last four decades hassuccessfully confronted and shut down racist groups (such as the Ku Klux Klan) across America.
A. The Complaint
The Israel Law Center and I, Andrew Hamilton, Solicitor, wish to lodge a representative complaint against Associate Professor Jake Lynch, for various activities (described in detail below) which are unlawful under the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth [i.e. Commonwealth of Australia, denoting federal legislation])....
The conduct complained about is Prof. Lynch’s participation in and public support of the global movement for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel and Israeli related business,academic and cultural persons and organisations (BDS movement or BDSM).
In particular, Prof. Lynch supports racist anti-semitic BDSM activity at Sydney University.  Recently, the university's student body endorsed Associate Professor Jake Lynch's academic boycott of Israel. Lynch had publicly announced his refusal to work with Dan Avnon, an Israeli professor from the prestigious Hebrew University in Jerusalem, which promotes Israeli-Arab coexistence, and also called for a boycott of Technion University in Haifa. See ...."
 Read more here


  1. The Charity Commission in the UK is looking into Viva Palestina.
    ‘Viva Palestina’ UK Charity Connected to Anti-Israel Activist George Galloway, Under Investigation

  2. Yes, I saw that too Ian, though we aren't too happy about this move by Shurat HaDin.

    It was being handled by the ECAJ, plus AUJS has been doing a great job with the Student Council. This will bring the wrong kind of publicity

  3. The UN endorses the anti-Semitic Perdana Foundation run by the vile Mahathir Mohamad

    Antisemitic Perdana Global Peace Foundation from Malaysia
    Added to Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People

  4. Excellent news.

    It's about time Australian law was tested and enforced to the full extent of the letter. Shurat HaDin deserves grass roots support from all Australians. As many have pointed out this is not just a "Jewish issue" any more than the activities of the KKK and other racist groups in the US was or is just a "Black issue".


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