Friday, 23 August 2013

"Go All The Way," The Blonde Tells The Rock Star

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli tweeted on Wednesday in Hebrew:
"Roger Waters, you should remove my picture from videos at your concerts. If you’re going to boycott, then go all the way."
Read all about it here 

Hat tip: reader Jean

For background see also my post here 

Update: For the ADL's  Open Letter to Waters see here


  1. Yes - but show only tweeted this in Hebrew, whereas she had previously tweeted (in English) her gushing praise for Waters:

    “Crazy thing… Went to the Roger Waters show in Paris, and saw a pic of myself on the wall!!! #respect!!! I’m honored.”

    She comes out of this very badly.

    IsreallyCool has more on this:

  2. I just read that the "founder" of this naked incitement to Jew-hatred that is the BDS is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.


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