Monday, 15 July 2013

Islam's Misogyny: Vainly Socking It To The Oxford Union (video)

Here's another speaker against the motion "This House believes Islam is a religion of peace" which took place at the Oxford Union not long ago.

Anne-Marie Waters, an avowed secularist, concentrates much of her argument on the inferiority and oppression of women in Islamic theory and practice.

She's the sole female speaker, and is challenged for the floor by a couple of intimidatory males, but ably stands her ground.

Islam's misogyny was also mentioned by other speakers against the motion.

The motion was carried by 286 votes to 168.  I think this outcome, and the evident trivialisation of her arguments by some in the audience (to judge by the ripples of mirth that can be heard greeting her words about sanctioned violence to wives) speaks volumes about the willingness of appeasers in the West today to suborn the interests of women to "the pernicious notion of Islamophobia" as another speaker against the motion, the splendid Daniel Johnson, put it.

What an insult to women.  What a worry for our daughters and granddaughters.

1 comment:

  1. dannykid said:
    It can, indeed, be argued that islam IS a religion of peace: islam is dedicated to hegemony over the world by force, war, murder and terror and with that hegemony will come the peace of islam. that is, islam is a religion the aim of which is peace, that pursues a state of peace, the peace of islam (such as it is). so "islam IS a religion of peace.
    The question to ask is "Is islam a peaceful religion?". Taqiyya has its limits.


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