Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Buycott: British Shoppers Encouraged To Fight Back Against BDS

Anti-Israel fanaticism at a Welsh Tesco store
As shown on this video (hat tip: reader Rita), a fresh campaign has begun in Britain, launched in what's termed "Buy Israeli Goods Week" (1-7 July), encouraging the Anglo-Jewish public (and indeed non-Jews too) to seek out and purchase Israeli produce, as well as writing letters to supermarkets explaining why BDS is wrong and to thank those who do stock Israeli goods for doing so, and suggesting they broaden their range.

Boycotts are negative, narrow, and sterile, the Board of Deputies figures featured in the video argue, and BDS is damaging not only to the Israel economy but to that of the Palestinians and the entire region as well.

Associated with the Board of Deputies in this initiative are the Zionist Federation, StandWithUs, and the Fair Play Campaign Group.

 Read more here


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