Monday, 29 July 2013

"Accepting Some Of The European Positions ... May Ultimately Become Suicidal For The State of Israel."

"Accepting some of the European positions on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict may ultimately become suicidal for the State of Israel."

So believes Israeli scholar of antisemitism and keen Europe watcher Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld, recently interviewed by a German publication.  Amplifying his views, he declares in part:

"If one frequently condemns and attacks Israel and largely looks away from the enormous criminality in many parts of the Arab and Muslim world, an atmosphere is created in which these absurd ideas emerge and gain great popularity, as statistics show. People don’t ask the most minimal of rational questions:
How has the Palestinian population grown so much over the past decades? And how does this growth fit the demonic views of Israel that it commits genocide?
 I am not even speaking about the fact that Palestinians are treated in Israeli hospitals and Israeli doctors try their best to save sick Palestinian children.

Many in E.U. politics and civil society have helped to create and maintain these demonic views of Israel....

This [recent EU] directive is another step in a lengthy anti-Israel discriminatory process by the European Union. It has many aspects to it. One is that it signals to Israelis that the Europeans only have demands from them. At the same time Europeans turn away from the huge incitement and demonization of Israel by the Palestinian Authority. Furthermore, the European Union is giving financial support to the Palestinian Authority. This Palestinian body continuously glorifies murderers of Israeli civilians, and also calls for the murder of Israelis....

 The E.U. helps to create a widespread, very negative atmosphere about Israel and in such an environment it can take further discriminatory measures against it, which stimulate these negative views."

Read his entire remarks here

Meanwhile, in this PA televised sermon of 19th July (video and translation by Palestine Media Watch) by the Palestinian Authority's Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash  (in the presence of Mahmoud Abbas) the implication is that any treaty with Israel need not be regarded as permanently binding, but would be an expedient stop-gap.

And for another example of the creeping islamification of Europe see this snippet!

1 comment:

  1. Since the EU don't accept UNSC 242 they shouldn't be part of any peace negotiations until they do.


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