Monday, 8 July 2013

A Wee Dram O' A Bluid Libel? A BDS Beastie's Tale Of Zionist Razor Blades

In a recent welcome article deploring "the bonds of convenience growing between elements of the Left and anti-Semitism," an Australian columnist noted:
'A basic grasp of history shows us the boycotting of businesses is a longstanding tactic in the campaign of hate against the Jewish people.
Boycotts of Jewish merchants were practised in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire and later across eastern Europe, especially in Romania, Poland and Russia where anti-Jewish activism was serious enough to bequeath us the word pogrom. In 1922, the Fifth Palestine Arab Congress called for a boycott of all Jewish businesses. In 1943, the Arab League banned the purchase of "products of Jewish industry".
The BDS presents itself as a reaction to the power of the state of Israel. In reality it is the most recent name for a centuries-old economic persecution of Jews for having the temerity to become educated and entrepreneurial despite their exclusion from many occupations, geographies and institutions."
She concluded:
"Stand with those who educate women, stand with those who let gays serve openly in the military, stand with those who allow free speech and political activism.
Stand, in short, with the Jewish people and their state of Israel."
Back at the time of Operation Cast Lead, the left-dominated council of Scotland's West Dunbartonshire (population 90, 600) decided to put the wind up the Zionist Entity for having the gall to defend itself, resolving to boycott "all Israeli goods":
".... Officers should immediately cease the purchase of any goods we currently source which were made or grown in Israel. Officers should also ensure we procure no new goods or produce from Israel until this boycott is formally lifted by the council."
Recently, as seen here, at the launch of this pro-BDS anthology by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Glasgow, West Dunbartonshire councillor and BDS heavy Jim Bollan (who's on record as describing Hamas as "freedom fighters"), indulged in claptrap about "apartheid" and "racist" Israel and the need to overthrow "the Israeli regime," spicing up the narrative with a tale of dark and dire deeds allegedly threatened in revenge for the boycott resolution (which was followed in 2010 by one calling upon other Scottish councils to follow suit):
"We also got a lot of vitriolic response from the Zionists across the world, particularly in America. We were getting threats for our lives, threats for our families' lives, "we know where you live", all this kind of stuff.... [W]e weren't going to be bullied, we weren't going to be threatened by these people who were phoning you at 2 o'clock in the morning and telling you that your granddaughter was in danger....  [The police] were explaining to us we need to check our mail, the mail would need to be sifted through the council before we got it because they had reports that the Zionists were posting these letters where, when you opened them up they had razor blades in them and they would have ripped your fingers ... That's how vicious they are."
  A wee dram of a blood libel there, it might seem.


  1. As I discovered from a Freedom of Information request West Dunbartonshire buys through a centalised procurement organisation, Scotland Excel, and therefore has no control over whether products are Israeli sourced or not. As best as can be established (the council doesn't keep records to monitor compliance with its own boycott) West Dunbartonshire council has never bought an Israeli product, making the BDS resolution a load of hot air.

    BTW West Dunbartonshire tops Scotland for unemployment due to the failure of the ship building industry. You would think solving the Middle East's problems would be low on their list of priorities.

  2. Ahh good old West Dunbartonshire
    The counter-boycott was very effective:
    "Distilleries named in the boycott are Morrison Bowmore, Loch Lomond and Chivas Brothers. Some of the brands include Chivas, Glenlivet and Ballantine's. Morrison Bowmore has brands certified by the London Beth Din, including McClelland's and Auchentoshan.
    Kirsteen Beeston, of Morrison Bowmore, said the company had already written to West Dunbartonshire Council "to ensure it is made fully aware of the potential implications of its policy".

    1. The beastie claims whisky sales increased!


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