Thursday, 27 June 2013

Mark His Words

Canadian columnist Mark Steyn, whose powerful articles concerning the Western condition used to be carried by the London Daily Telegraph, but sadly have not enriched its pages for many a year, has been offering what he calls "Three snapshots of western liberty".

The first concerns the once great nation that stands offshore to continental Eurabia:
'A few weeks ago, I wrote about a Canadian police department’s diversity enforcer attempt to shut down a Pamela Geller speech by getting her bounced from a Toronto synagogue. In Britain, the shut-up-he-explained crowd cut to the chase: They went to the (supposedly Conservative) Home Secretary, the ghastly Theresa May, and got Miss Geller and Robert Spencer banned from the entire country on the grounds that their presence in the United Kingdom would not be “conducive to the public good“.
By contrast, the presence of, say, Anjem Choudary, philosophical mentor of the Woolwich head hackers and a man who calls for the murder of the Prime Minister, is so “conducive to the public good” that British taxpayers subsidize him generously and provide a half-million-dollar home for him to live on. Mrs May’s Home Office has just admitted to the UK Muhhamed al-Arefe who advocates wife-beating. Perhaps Mr May will try out Imam al-Arefe’s expert advice on the beneficial effects of “light beating” on Theresa this weekend – or is spousal abuse only “conducive to the public good” of Muslim women?
The reflexive illiberalism of Britain’s so-called liberals – the urge to ban the debate rather than win it – is now so deeply ingrained they will soon be hungry for new victories. Nearly four centuries after Milton’s Areopagitica, freedom of speech is dead in England. In denying her charges access to dissenting ideas, Mrs May is inviting them to find alternative means of expression. No good will come from this.'
For links and the rest of his article see here

And for Melanie Phillips's take on the same topic see here


  1. OT
    Elder has a Press Release about the Khaybar TV Series

    Dr. Qanta Ahmed took some pix on her trip to Israel.
    This is the Land


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