Monday, 10 June 2013

Blunt Ambition: Radical Islamists State Their Views

"One day we will liberate Jerusalem from the Jews"
"Jerusalem is Arab land, and it must become Arab territory again."
So (hat tip: Vlad Tepes blog) declare Egyptian participants in the Global March To Jerusalem filmed on  footage here

And last week in Ramallah:
'Chanting slogans in favor of the restoration of the Caliphate, the Muslim fundamentalists called on Islamic armies to "march toward Palestine to liberate the Aqsa Mosque and the rest of Palestine."
The fundamentalists also shouted slogans in support of the jihadi terrorists engaged in the fight against Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.
Baher Saleh, a senior Hizb-ut-Tahrir official, told the crowd that it was time for Muslim armies to "liberate the Aqsa Mosque from the hands of the filthy Jews."
For footage of the Ramallah rally, held on the 92nd anniversary of the demise the Caliphate, click here, and read more here

Meanwhile, in Gaza, Christian schoolchildren are disadvantaged:

 And across the border, in Egypt, their Coptic counterparts live a nightmare.

Here are Islamists in Australia telling of where their loyalties lie and what they think of the murder of Drummer Rigby.

Interesting Vlad Tepes post here


  1. OT
    Some videos to start the week
    60 Min: Australian Muslim reaction to Woolwich Murder and Anjem Choudary

    Caroline Glick Speaks at the 2013 Jerusalem Post Conference

    Israeli men - Old spice

  2. Ch7 covers similar ground
    Radical islam 1+2

  3. Many thanks for your hard work; if only it was seen by all. It is appreciated.


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