Wednesday, 22 May 2013

In Sydney, A Magistrate Of No Standing (video)

Was it because she's an infidel, or more particularly because she's a mere female? Either way, a man in Sydney has given a whole new meaning to the phrase "it won't stand up in court":

(Hat tip: Vlad Tepes blog)


  1. She should have thrown his tuchas in jail. Its not about having a tough hide its about respect for women, the legal process and the culture of the nation in which he lives. This idiocy of accommodating these Islamist-bigots is going to bring about the end of democracy everywhere.

  2. In other words he 'got away with it'

  3. Yes, I was startled by all the videos about it on Vlad Tepes's blog - I have seen nothing in the msm.

  4. I was reading about the rabbi in Malmo a day or two back. Can't think where it was.

    Empress Trudy can you please contact me via either 'Daphne' or Mike Lumish.

    Meanwhile, right down the bottom of my News subscription in very small letters

    I note that The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils said yesterday

    " it advised members to respect court conventions but would not "force them to do something against their convictions".

    I further note that the 'man' who refused to stand, did so because the Magistrate was a woman.

  5. The precedent has been set. Muslims charged with any crime will from now on not stand for a female magistrate and possibly a male.

    1. Will the Left sacrifice women's rights on the altar of "all cultures are created equal" multiculturalism? Very likely.


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