Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The ADL On American Muslims For Palestine

This billboard, making the "apartheid" libel and featuring, against the background of Israel's security barrier,  the silhouette of an Israeli soldier aiming a gun at a Palestinian child, is one of those which began appearing on the first day of Pesach at twenty-five Metro North train sta­tions in suburban New York.

The ad, sponsored by the Chicago-based organisation American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), is, as the ADL states,"indica­tive of [AMP's]the organization’s con­tin­u­ing efforts to pro­mote its extreme anti-Israel views to a wider Amer­i­can audience."

For the AMP, warns the ADL (which is often perceived as too sanguine regarding the presence of Islam in Western societies),
 'is the leading organization providing anti-Zionist training and education to students and Muslim community organizations in the country. Founded in 2005, AMP promotes extreme anti-Israel views and has at times provided a platform for anti-Semitism under the guise of educating Americans about "the just cause of Palestine and the rights of self-determination."
Although the size of its membership remains unclear, the Chicago-based non-profit organization operates several chapters across the country. While its educational efforts have been primarily geared toward providing the Muslim community with inflammatory rhetoric and false accusations against Israel to promote advocacy for Palestine, AMP has also placed a heavy emphasis on supporting and helping coordinate the activity of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the primary organizer of anti-Israel events on campus with dozens of chapters.
AMP seeks to delegitimize and demonize the Jewish state. Its materials are prominently featured at its events and conferences, in its publications and through materials available on its website....
AMP has its organizational roots in the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), an anti-Semitic group that served as the main propaganda arm for Hamas in the United States until it was dissolved in 2004. Since its creation in 2005, AMP continues to work closely with some former IAP leaders who currently hold positions as AMP board members.'
Read the ADL's comprehensive report on this menacing organisation here

1 comment:

  1. The AMP still does not understand America nor the sweeping support Americans have for democracy and Israel. The posters will only serve to remind Americans that Gaza rockets kill innocent Israelis and that the child in the poster is trained by the "Palestinians" to act as a human shield for terrorists to carry out their attacks. Americans understand the need for security. We remember 9/11 very well and the dancing in the street all across the muslim world as the dead were buried.


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